Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2736 Boss, why don't you think about it again?

Chapter 2736 Boss, why don't you think about it again?

Jian Jin walked over, bent down, picked up the remote control panel on the coffee table, turned off the TV, and looked back at the man in the wheelchair who was still staring at the TV that had already been blacked out, and sighed: "Brother, what do you want to do?" If you reconcile with Joe, you can ask her to apologize, there is no need to torture yourself here all the time, she can't see that you are torturing yourself like this."

You have to sell miserably!
You go to Joe to sell miserably, Joe is hard-spoken and soft-hearted, and we are friends who have gone through life and death together, maybe I will forgive you.

Jian Jin especially wanted to say that.

Seeing Lu Zhi's unresponsive appearance, she put the remote control panel back and sighed again: "Okay, I'll go and talk to Joe."

Lu Zhi reacted at this moment, his eyelashes fluttered slightly, and he looked at her: "Don't go."

Jian Jin was just talking, but knowing his dog temper, she immediately turned back and put the takeaway on the table: "It's okay if I don't go, then you eat first."

Lu Zhi raised his eyebrows and suppressed his tone: "I have no appetite."

Jian Jin was not used to his bad temper, and immediately made a gesture to make a phone call: "If you don't eat, I'll call Joe to complain."

"..." Lu Zhi half-closed his eyes and stared at her.

Jian Jin's handsome jaw line was straightened, and she didn't intend to back down.

The atmosphere in the villa was deadlocked for a few seconds.

Lu Zhi frowned first, looked away, and said calmly, "If someone told me that today, she would have died a long time ago."

"Thank you, big brother, for not killing me." Jian Jin smiled, and walked over to open the takeaway box for him, which was full of light meals.

She handed over the sweet porridge, and spread out the boxes containing vegetables one by one for him to pick up vegetables, and then went to the kitchen to fetch water.

When Jian Jin came out again, he saw Lu Zhi eating every bite, but he ate very little, barely touching the food in front of him.

Her eyes were gloomy, and she walked over as if nothing had happened, and put the mug in front of him: "Hey, drink some warm water to nourish your stomach."

Lu Zhi took the cup slowly, his fingers were well-proportioned and slender, very pretty, but he was in a bad mood, so he only took a sip of water.

Jian Jin put the cup away for him, and said as if remembering something, "Ji Ziyin contacted me this afternoon and said that the Privy Council has a mission and needs your help."

Lu Zhi didn't even bother to lift his head, and didn't respond at all.

Jian Jin clicked her tongue, and continued: "I have inquired that this task of the Privy Council requires the cooperation of newcomers, which means that both Joe and her are involved in this task."

"She came to us for help just to take advantage of the opportunity to prove her strength."

Ji Ziyin knows how to calculate.

Lu Zhi reacted now, he tightened his fingertips and stroked the jade finger on his thumb: "You said she has the same mission as Ji Ziyin?"

Upon hearing his tone, Jian Jin subconsciously raised her eyelids, her eyebrows twitched wildly: "Brother, what do you want to do?"

"If Ji Ziyin finished before her, it would be much more difficult for her in the Privy Council..." Lu Zhi seemed to have thought of something, narrowing his eyes: "Then she needs my help."

Jane Jin: "..."

This brain circuit.

This emotional intelligence.

What else can she say besides persuasion!
Lu Zhi didn't seem to want her to answer, as if he had the answer in his heart, a hopeful light appeared on his handsome face, like a drowning man grabbing a life-saving straw: "Let Ji Ziyin contact me tomorrow."

Jian Jin reacted and touched her forehead: "Boss, don't you think about it anymore?"

Ji Ziyin's kind of person made her feel disgusted just by looking at him.

(End of this chapter)

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