Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2737 Lu Zhi: I don't want forgiveness

Chapter 2737 Lu Zhi: I don't want forgiveness
Lu Zhi made up his mind, and said coldly, "I won't give her the person right away, I'll wait for...someone to contact me."

"..." Jian Jin still doesn't know who he is waiting for to contact?

She is speechless, speechless Lu Zhi's emotional intelligence and brain circuits.

Compared with Ye Shao, this kind of elementary school chicken has no chance of winning, and now it is better. After he has completed this operation, Joe probably doesn't kill him.

"You don't think about making a deal with Qiao?" Jian Jin asked suddenly as she took her bag before going out.

Lu Zhi sat in the wheelchair without looking back, straightening his back.

She hesitated and said: "Actually, Joe is hard-spoken and soft-hearted. It's not impossible for you to understand her. Instead of forcing her to find you, you might as well act miserable and pretend to be pitiful. Maybe she just softens her heart."

Lu Zhi closed his eyes and covered them with his hands.

About a minute later, the night wind blew in through the floor-to-ceiling windows.

His whole body was shrouded in the bright moonlight, and he seemed to be hiding his sadness. He slowly put down his hands, his eyes were extremely clear and rational: "What I want is not forgiveness."

Jian Jin snorted, nodded, and walked out again.

She knew what Lu Zhi wanted.

But as long as he continues to act so recklessly, he basically wants to eat it!
The next day.

Ji Ziyin woke up in the morning and was still struggling with how to contact Lu Zhi, but someone from Tianchen contacted her.

This time, she relied on Lu Zhi to make a comeback, and she didn't dare to be negligent, so she immediately decided to fly to the illegal area first.


Qiao Nian didn't get up until noon.

She got up sleepily, went to the bathroom, brushed her teeth and washed her face, put on clean clothes and left the room.

Downstairs, Qin Si hasn't gotten up yet.

Gu San greeted her: "Miss Qiao."

"En." Qiao Nian half-closed his eyes, still sleepy and depressed, his whole body was full of ruffian.

Gu San saw that she was still angry after getting up, so he went to the kitchen consciously: "I'll make you a cup of tea."

Ye Wangchuan was busy working in the living room, with a silver notebook in front of him, upon hearing this, he raised his head and called him: "No tea, warm her a cup of milk."

Gu San let out an ah, and subconsciously peeked at the girl's reaction.

Qiao Nian didn't even wake up, and didn't listen to what they said at all. She lazily walked to the sofa bed and used a cushion to support her waist.

"I'll go right away." Gu San saw that she didn't seem to have any objections, so he went to heat up the milk.

Qiao Nian yawned, rubbed her swollen temples and asked the man not far away: "What time is it?"

Her voice is hoarse.

Casual tune.

It's just cool.

Ye Wangchuan looked at the time on the wall: "11:30."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian nodded, her mind was a little clear, she just took out her phone and looked down.

Ye Wangchuan closed his notebook and said to her: "Xu Yi and the others left in the morning, saying that they didn't want you to be sent to the plane."

Qiao Nian frowned and didn't look up. Out of the corner of her eye, she saw the message Cao Yanhua and the others sent her.

Said that everyone didn't want to trouble her and left early.

Qiao Nian raised his hand and rubbed his face, and said in an annoyed voice, "Why didn't you wake me up?"

Ye Wangchuan smiled, his deep eyes were like shadows floating in water: "They didn't tell me until they got on the plane, even if I wake you up, it's too late."

"Okay." She was not a entangled person, immediately opened the small group, and said while sending a message: "I will tell them, call me when we arrive."

Seeing her lying there playing with her mobile phone, Ye Wangchuan remembered something, and said to her again: "What are you going to do with the task Mr. Xue mentioned yesterday."

Qiao Nian was still editing the news, and she didn't raise her eyelids when she heard the words: "Just find someone according to what he said."

(End of this chapter)

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