Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2739 Let Moxi keep an eye on Ji Ziyin's entry and exit information

Chapter 2739 Let Moxi keep an eye on Ji Ziyin's entry and exit information

Ye Wangchuan took the mobile phone and walked out quickly: "I'll tell Moxi to keep an eye on Ji Ziyin's entry and exit information."


Ji Ziyin didn't know that she was being targeted.

She went to the illegal area that day, and went to Tianchen to find Lu Zhi the next day, but Lu Zhi ignored her and left her there for a whole day.

On the third day, she went to Tianchen again to meet Jian Zhu, who was with Lu Zhi all the year round, but Jian Zhu didn't tell her too much, and only asked her to go back and wait for news.

Ji Ziyin didn't know what the other party asked her to wait for, but she had no choice but to wait for Tianchen to contact her at the hotel.

She waited in the hotel until the fourth day. Seeing that the time for the five-day mission was approaching, she felt depressed for a while, and was thinking about whether to go to Tianchen again.

Just at this moment, the Privy Council called her.

Ji Ziyin walked to the French window and answered the phone: "Hello, Mr. Lei."

"You haven't brought him back yet?" The hook-nosed old man's tone was cold, and he could hear his dissatisfaction.

Ji Ziyin was upset, and couldn't show it in front of him: "No, Tianchen hasn't let go yet."

Leonard said: "Isn't Lu Zhi very familiar with you? Why hasn't he let go? Since he is willing to recommend you to the Privy Council, there is no reason not to help you. Did you not talk to him properly?"

Ji Ziyin didn't know how to explain to him that she didn't know Lu Zhi well.

She lowered her eyes and decided not to say: "President Lu asked me to wait for news."

The hooked-nosed old man still had a bad tone: "...Waiting for news?"

"I don't know what news I'm waiting for." Ji Ziyin vaguely had a strange feeling, very uneasy, and always felt that it had something to do with Qiao Nian.

But it was impossible for her to tell Leonard this.

"I'll wait."

"Hurry up, time is almost up." Leonard hung up the phone after urging.

Ji Ziyin put down her phone, looked at the time on the wall, couldn't sit still anymore, took her bag and prepared to go to Tianchen again.

This time she arrived at Tianchen and soon met Lu Zhi.

Lu Zhi was sitting in the office on the top floor. Behind him was a large black bookcase filled with all kinds of books. He was sitting behind a large desk. What was more striking than his outstanding appearance was that he was sitting in a wheelchair, which was extremely eye-catching.

"President Lu." Ji Ziyin waited here for four days before seeing Lu Zhi himself, and she didn't dare to neglect her in the slightest, and immediately said, "I heard from the empress that you helped me, and I've always wanted to treat you to dinner. "

The haze in Lu Zhi's eyes deepened, and his voice was as cold as frost, and he said coldly: "You don't need to eat."

Ji Ziyin just wanted to say that the favor still has to be returned.

Jian Jin came in from the outside, took a look at the situation in the office, glanced at the woman stuck inside out of the corner of her eye, and said loosely to the man in the wheelchair, "Boss, the matter is settled."

Lu Zhi hummed, and asked in a deep voice, "She hasn't contacted you yet?"

Jian Jin knew that he asked Qiao Nian, so she said depressedly, "No, not a single text message or phone call."

It's completely Qiao Nian's way of doing things.

Lu Zhi was silent for a moment, as if he just looked at her and said to her: "The person you want is at the airport, take it away yourself."

Ji Ziyin couldn't help paying attention, her heart beat faster, and she seemed to be jumping out of her chest: "Mr. Lu, what a shame, how can I return your favor, or I..."

She thought a lot, and wanted to take the opportunity to catch Lu Zhi's line.

Lu Zhi was annoyed even looking at her, he turned on the laptop in front of him blankly, without raising his eyelids, and sent her a word gloomyly: "Get lost."

(End of this chapter)

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