Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2740 I really admire her face, it can be nothing

Chapter 2740 I really admire her face, it can be nothing

Ji Ziyin's face turned crimson in an instant, her fingers hidden in her sleeves curled up, her nails sank deep into her flesh, and she even curled up the corners of her mouth as if nothing had happened: "Then I won't bother Mr. Lu, Mr. Lu should have a good rest." .”

Jian Jin waited for her to leave before she looked away, turned her head and said to the person behind the desk, "Hey, I admire her, this can all be rounded off."

Lu Zhi's complexion was not good, he dropped the pen, and leaned against the back of the chair for a long time without moving, as if he didn't hear her speak.

Seeing his depressed appearance, Jian Jin felt sorry for him after all: "Are you sure you want to give him to her?"

"Yeah." Lu Zhi didn't open his eyes, and covered them with his hands.

Jian Jin wanted to speak but stopped looking at him: "Boss, you have to think clearly about what you are doing. If you do this, Joe will be angry."

Lu Zhi didn't speak for a long time.

Jian Jin, who has been around for a long time, is ready to leave the office lightly.

Only then did he remove the hand that blocked his eyes, opened his eyes, picked up the pen on the document again with no expression on his face, and said in a deep voice, "I just want to see her angry."

"..." Jian Jin was stunned for a moment, and then understood.

He deliberately made Joe angry, trying to provoke Joe, and then let Joe come to him.

Jian Jin understood what he meant, and gave him a thumbs up: "Okay, you're awesome, as long as you don't regret it yourself."

Lu Zhi had already taken off the cap of his pen, lowered his eyes, and focused his gaze on the document, as if concentrating on his work.

Jian Jin went out and opened the door: "I'll do it."

The pen drew a heavy mark on the paper and almost scratched the white paper.

Lu Zhi frowned, looked up at the back of her leaving, and finally didn't stop Jian Jin.

The airport in the illegal area is not far from Tianchen headquarters.

Jian Jin pushed a man with a black bag on his head in front of Ji Ziyin: "See if it's this person."

Ji Ziyin also brought a few people here, and immediately raised her hand and ordered her subordinates to check.

A man with a horse face quickly finished the inspection and walked back quickly: "Miss Ji, this is the person we are looking for."

Ji Ziyin breathed a sigh of relief, with a smile on her face, she smiled and said to the woman standing in front of her: "Jian Zhu, thanks to your help this time, please help me to say thank you to Mr. Lu. If Mr. Lu has any Wherever you need me, I will definitely help..."

"Farewell." Jian Jin looked at her with a half-smile and pretended to be aggressive: "We don't know each other very well, and he didn't give you someone this time to help you."

Ji Ziyin looked a little embarrassed, as if recalling the humiliation she had just received in the office and Lu Zhi's merciless 'screw'.

She could still pretend to be nonchalant when Lu Zhi scolded her to 'get lost', but now Jian Jin's taunting of her pointedly was nothing to Ji Ziyin.

She didn't seem to understand the indifferent ridicule in the other party's words: "Anyway, Mr. Lu has helped me a lot this time. I will keep this favor in my heart. I must thank Mr. Lu when I have the opportunity."

Impatient with dealing with people like her, Jian Jin raised her hand and stopped talking: "Okay, the person has been delivered. I still have things to do, so I won't see you off."

Ji Ziyin herself was not comfortable dealing with her, she wished she would leave quickly, and immediately told the people around her: "Help me send Jane to help me."

Jian Jin also brought Tianchen's people over, and lazily rejected her: "I drove the car myself."

Ji Ziyin's back was stiff, and she stood there awkwardly: "Then I'll take you to the garage."

(End of this chapter)

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