Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2742 When the matter here is resolved, we will go to Zhangjing City

Chapter 2742 When the matter here is resolved, we will return to Beijing
The hooked-nosed old man's smile changed, and he laughed dryly: "Hey, it's a big deal after all, so we can't talk about it hastily. It will make us appear insincere. Of course, the two parties should sit together and have a meal, and talk while eating."

He seemed to be afraid that Mr. Xue would continue to poke his sore spots, and would not give the other party a chance to scold him, so he hurriedly said: "I still have things to do so I won't talk to you, let's go first."

After he finished speaking, he briefly greeted Martin and the others, took his own people and left in a hurry...

Old Xue watched them leave, took a deep breath, and looked serious: "Let's go, let's go find the Archbishop."

Martin followed at the end, thinking of the conflict just now, he quietly used his mobile phone to reveal a message to Feng Yu.

In the high-end apartment outside the Privy Council.

As soon as the girl got up, she received a call from Independence Island. She yawned and came down the stairs, while listening to the people there talking nonchalantly.

"Nian Nian, is your progress in the Privy Council not going well?"

"I heard they said what task was assigned to you, and you didn't complete it..."


Qiao Nian had already walked to the sofa in the living room and sat down decisively, half-closed her eyes lazily and listened to him chattering on the phone.

"Where's Xiaoye?"

"Did he not help you?"

"What task did the Privy Council arrange for you? Let me see if I can help."

Feng Yu was still rambling over there, asking about her situation in the Privy Council.

Qiao Nian rubbed her temples, her brain became dizzy.

"I have arrangements."

Feng Yu then shut up: "You said that task, do you have an idea?"

"Yeah." Qiao Nian found a comfortable position and nestled on the sofa, glanced at the messages on the phone, pressed the Bluetooth headset, looked towards the kitchen, and replied absent-mindedly: "I've already made arrangements."

Ye Wangchuan came out of the kitchen, just in time to see the person who woke up, walked over to make her a cup of coffee and put it down: "Are you up?"

"Just woke up." Qiao Nian rubbed her temples again, and said to Feng Yu on the other end, "Don't worry, I'll take care of it."

Feng Yu called her only after hearing the news from Martin. Seeing that she seemed to have a plan in mind, she stopped talking and revealed to her: "I heard that Ji Ziyin has completed the task and is going to come back. You should pay more attention to yourself. , don't take her seriously."

Ji Ziyin is back?

Qiao Nian lowered her eyes, and narrowed the sharpness in her eyes: "I know."

She hung up Feng Yu's phone, took off the bluetooth headset on her left ear and put it on the sofa, and then scanned the WeChat messages.

Sure enough, her eyeliner in the illegal area sent her a message saying that Lu Zhi had handed him over to Ji Ziyin.

Her eyes couldn't be said to be disappointed or anything, she read it calmly, then turned her head and said to the noble and lazy man, "Get ready to work."

Her voice was low, without too much emotion in it.

Ye Wangchuan walked over to hold her hand, squeezed it lightly and then let go, said calmly: "We will return to Beijing after the matter here is resolved."

Qiao Nian was not in a good mood at first, as if she was a little irritable when she was pressed against a rock, until the warm temperature came from her hands, she raised her eyes, and hid her emotions behind her laziness: "Okay."

When she settles the matter of Ji Qing, she should return to Beijing.

Mr. Jiang and the others called several times to ask her when she would go back, and she wanted to go back a little bit.

Ye Wangchuan saw that she recovered a little bit, raised the corners of his lips, let go and said, "I'll go tell Moxi."

(End of this chapter)

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