Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2743 He has never seen this kind of grandma

Chapter 2743 He has never seen this kind of grandma
Qiao Nian wants to rob someone, that's not a joke.

Who in M ​​state doesn't know that Ji Ziyin is backed by Leonard and the queen, she is equivalent to the spokesperson of the queen in the Privy Council.

Anyone who touches her will hit the queen in the face.

The purpose of Qiao Nian's robbery this time was to slap the person behind Ji Ziyin in the face. It was her official declaration of war after she knew part of the truth back then.

If she wants to do it, she is ready to make it big, and show it to the empress hiding behind the hermit family!


Outside an inconspicuous coffee shop outside the airport, a girl is wearing a peaked cap, and a black laptop is placed on the table in front of her.

Next to the computer is a glass of orange juice.

She just sat there watching Ji Ziyin's positioning red dot on the computer gradually approach M state airport, waiting for the plane to land.

This time she was going to do the big ticket, so Ye Wangchuan directly handed over all the manpower in M ​​state to her.

Now that he received the latest news from Moxi, he turned back and said, "Ji Ziyin seems to have noticed something. My people found that Leonard took someone to the airport to wait for her."

"Hey." He sneered, looked down at the girl sitting there, and said in a slightly teasing tone: "God Qiao is very hated! It is impossible for Ji Ziyin to call a person of Leonard's level, The only one who can instruct him to do things is the one behind him."

Ever since he knew that the Queen of the Hidden World Family was Qiao Nian's blood-related grandmother, he usually used that instead of address.

Mainly, he couldn't understand why a mother would kill her own child, and what made her lose humanity.

But no matter what the reason is, it's not a reason for her to do whatever she wants.

Including now, the daughter who still refuses to let go of her daughter.

He remembered that several times before, the empress had stirred up the situation behind her back, trying to help people like Ji Ziyin to trouble Qiao Nian.

This kind of grandma...

Ye Wangchuan lived in the upper class circle since he was a child, and it is rare to see such a person in this circle.

"It seems that she doesn't want me to have a good time." Qiao Nian's tone was calm, and her emotions didn't fluctuate much, as if she only regarded this relative by blood as a stranger.

Ye Wangchuan's heart sank bluntly, the corners of his eyes curled up, and he changed the subject: "Qin Si and the others have already passed by, and when they arrive at the airport, we can do it at any time."


"Have you thought about what to do after you snatch someone away?"

Ji Ziyin finally went to the illegal area to bring the person back. If she snatched him away, Ji Ziyin and the forces behind Ji Ziyin would definitely not be reconciled.

Qiao Nian raised her chin and sat in a different posture. Her eyes were extremely dark and deep, and she was very drawn: "Didn't she send me a message saying that everyone depends on their own abilities?"

She twitched the corners of her mouth, and said clearly: "The person I robbed with my ability, is there a problem?"

Ye Wangchuan touched the girl's flamboyant eyebrows and almost couldn't restrain himself, but fortunately he suppressed it by himself and clicked his tongue: "It's okay."

"Ji Ziyin won't let it go easily, she will definitely make trouble with you afterwards." He still kindly reminded her.

"She's making a fuss." Qiao Nian turned her cap, revealing an overly delicate face, quite eye-catching: "I'm also wondering if it's time to deal with her."

at the same time.

The residence of the queen of country m.

Shadow reported the changes in State M to the people behind the veil, and finally whispered his worries: "Qiao Nian didn't go on the mission this time, and after Ji Ziyin found her back, he frequently mobilized people. I'm afraid She will act in ways we don't expect."

(End of this chapter)

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