Chapter 2752 God Joe flies!

Downstairs, Qin Si is pulling Gu San to play a game.

Gu San couldn't play these things and didn't know how to refuse his warm invitation. He was resisting + perplexed all over, when he looked up, he saw Qiao Nian coming down the stairs.

"Miss Qiao, you are down."

Gu San seemed to be grasping at straws, and immediately shook off Qin Si and said, "Young Master Qin, play slowly, I'll make a cup of tea for Miss Qiao."

"I've already opened it!" Qin Si didn't want to let anyone go.

Gu San pulled his hand away and slid quickly: "You should close it first, and tell them that there are fewer people."

Qin Si is opening to Lao Tzu, why close?

Gu San didn't care about him, he had already slipped out of sight.

Seeing that the game entered the stage of reading the progress bar, he looked around, grabbed the girl who got down, and stuffed Gu San's mobile phone into her arms: "Sister Qiao, help him play."

"Huh?" Qiao Nian's eyelashes drooped slightly, and he saw that there was an extra mobile phone in his hand, and when he looked again, the game had already cut into the screen.

Qin Si himself was also inside, and after forcing Gu San's mobile phone to her, he hurriedly took his own mobile phone and urged her: "We are in the fifth row, just play."

Qiao Nian twitched the corners of her lips, and walked towards the side of the sofa in a carefree manner, and said in a casual tone: "Okay, let's just talk about it first."

"Hey, my aunt! I promise it's just this one. You help him fight. I brought him the hero with the highest winning rate. If he hangs up for me, my winning rate will be lowered." Qin Si hugged The phone screamed.

Qiao Nian found a seat on the sofa and sat down, with one hand resting on the sofa cushion, and the other holding Gu San's mobile phone, her gaze fell on the screen, and she began to operate lazily.

When she was playing the game, she had a very focused expression on her face, and it was obvious that she hadn't tricked Qin Si.

In the living room, Qin Si's voice was heard shouting: "Wo Cao, Sister Qiao, you bastard! There are people in the grass, and there are people in the grass."

"Do it! Yes, yes, right there."

In the game, the shooter who plays guns calmly rolls forward and shoots headshot with a big move, harvesting the opponent's 3 auxiliary heads.

Qin Si immediately burst into cheers: "Damn, well done!"

Qiao Nian can basically hit three with one, and break through his lane.

The game becomes a breeze as she starts to develop.

Qin Si's picky jungler dared to invade the opposite jungle to eat mobs under the cover of Qiao Nian's shooter.

Someone on the public screen realized something was wrong and asked him on it.

[How many lives does a cat have: Young Master Qin, didn't you say you were a novice?This thing is called a novice operation?Whatever king's level. 】

Qin Si had just finished brushing wild monsters and went back home. When he saw the news on the public screen, he turned to Qiao Nian and said, "You know this cat, Tangning."

Qiao Nian probably only had those few people, with her chin propped up, her white fingers slender and beautiful: "En."

Qin Si told her to be a servant, then turned around and typed a reply to Tangning on the public screen: [It's been changed, that bastard has escaped, and now Sister Qiao is using this account. 】

Those in Beijing who were on the public screen immediately swiped the screen and knelt down.

[Flowers Bloom Romance: I knew it was Miss Qiao, only Miss Qiao could bring Young Master Qin away. 】

[Too skinny to the point: Cough cough, we just need to be clear about this in our hearts. Be careful, Young Master Qin will show you the pagoda! 】

[How many lives does a cat have: Miss Qiao, are you coming back?I leave the mage to you. 】


Qiao Nian didn't look at the public screen very much, and steadily manipulated the characters in the game to win a wave of triple kills, and clicked off the crystal by the way.

(End of this chapter)

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