Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2753 Aunt Yuan, where is the person you mentioned

Chapter 2753 Aunt Yuan, where is the person you mentioned
A round is over.

Qin Si was still engrossed in the fact that a few dogs were talking about him as a vegetable dog in front of Qiao Nian, his handsome face was hurt, he raised his head and asked the girl: "Sister Qiao, do I hunt wild vegetables? Didn't I bring them with me!"

"I took you away." The girl put down the phone, returned it to Gu San, and then looked at him slowly: "You took away the KPI on the other side."

"Pfft!" Gu San brewed a cup of tea and put it on the tea table, just in time to hear Qiao Nian's answer, he laughed so hard that his teeth couldn't see.

Qin Si scratched his hair, very unconvinced: "One more time, I want to prove myself."

He is now at least 30 stars, just one step away from being the King of Glory.

He didn't really watch Qiao Nian play the game, just now she played the shooter very well, and Qin Si didn't know how she operated it, so he really wanted to learn how to go out.

Qiao Nian had already returned the phone to Gu San, now she picked up the tea and rejected him very coldly: "No, I'm just playing for a while."

Qin Si still wanted to lure her into the group, but Qiao Nian's cell phone rang suddenly, she looked at the caller ID, got up and said to the two, "I'll answer the call."


"Hello, Niannian." The one who called her was none other than Yuan Yongqin, who hadn't contacted her for a long time.

Chengfeng Group's business is booming, and Yuan Yongqin is in charge of the huge group by himself, so he is too busy.

Fly all over the world.

She only knew that Qiao Nian was busy in the city this year, and she didn't know what Qiao Nian was busy with, but Yuan Yongqin had always trusted Qiao Nian unconditionally and rarely asked about Qiao Nian's personal affairs.

"Aunt Yuan, do you have anything to do with me?" Qiao Nian always respected Yuan Yongqin, her tone became more relaxed, and she looked much more serious.

Yuan Yongqin hasn't called her for a long time, and she is in a good mood this time: "It's nothing serious, I just remembered that I haven't contacted you for so long, so I'll make a call to care."

"By the way, are you getting used to walking around the city?"

She pondered for a moment and said, "It's been two years since we withdrew from the headquarters around the city, but there is our branch over there. If you have trouble, you can transfer people there. I've already told them."

"Yeah." Qiao Nian hasn't told her what she's doing, after all, what she's doing is too dangerous, the less people know, the better: "I know."

Yuan Yongqin knew that she was measured, so she cut to the point and said: "It's like this, I have a partner who called me and said that there was a misunderstanding with you. She said she was waiting for you outside your place and wanted to chat with you alone .”

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows: "Which partner?"

Yuan Yongqin paused, and then said: "I don't know her background either. Su Mo checked her before, and she seems to have a background in Independent Island."

"I don't know if you know Independence Island. It's not a place comparable to the surrounding city of Beijing. It's a very mysterious place with separate forces from all sides."

"Today, Mr. Wang took the initiative to contact me, saying that a friend of his asked me to intercede with you, and I only knew her."

Yuan Yongqin couldn't help but sneered: "Actually, I don't know her well, so I just called her."

As soon as she changed her voice, she was very worried about Qiao Nian: "But Nian Nian, Su Mo found out that she has a background in Independent Island, and it seems that the water is very deep. You'd better not get involved with this kind of person too much. If it's just a trivial matter between you, you Forget it, don't tear yourself apart with her."

Qiao Nian heard her explain the ins and outs of the matter, and already guessed who that person was: "Aunt Yuan, where is the person you mentioned?"

(End of this chapter)

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