Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2757 Delusion: They want to know what you did when you went out

Chapter 2757 Delusion: They want to know what you did when you went out

The person who opened the door was Qiao Nian.

She changed her shoes very calmly, put the keys on the cabinet, and walked in, only to meet three pairs of eyes looking at her.

Qiao Nian couldn't help rubbing her forehead: "What's wrong?"

Ye Wangchuan leaned back on the sofa, acting like a lazy nobleman, and said shamelessly: "They want to know what you did when you went out."

Qin Si and Gu San looked at him at the same time, their eyes were shocked.

Qin Si opened his mouth: "Absurd..."

"Huh?" Ye Wangchuan glanced over indifferently, raised his hands, and said casually, "You don't want to know?"

Qin Si's throat was blocked with a lump of cotton, and he was dying immediately. He raised his hand and muttered: "You say yes, anyway, I dare not say otherwise."

He spoke in a low voice, basically only the three of them heard it. Qiao Nian went to get water from the refrigerator, but didn't hear what he said, only heard him muttering.

She took a bottle of iced Coke from the refrigerator, closed the door, and tilted her head in confusion: "What?"

"It's nothing."

Qin Si immediately waved his hands and said seriously: "By the way, sister Qiao, what did you do when you went down just now? Why did you come back so soon?"

This is what Gu San and Ye Wangchuan want to know.

Qiao Nian didn't hide it from them, she pulled the Coke tab and said calmly, "Oh, you said that."

She pulled up a chair and sat down, and said decisively: "Ji Ziyin didn't know how to contact Aunt Yuan and asked me to go down to meet her, so I went down to meet her."

"Damn, this woman must be sick!" Qin Si was taken aback, and immediately asked, "Why is she looking for you, isn't she crazy?"

Ji Ziyin didn't know how many lives she had, she was quite courageous.

Qiao Nian took a sip of Coca-Cola, held the soda can in his hand casually, and said lazily, "She didn't do anything, she just brought a recording pen to try to trick me, but I found out gone."

Qin Si and Gu San looked at each other, quite speechless.

Ji Ziyin seemed really angry.

In the past when she was in high spirits in Independent Continent, she rarely resorted to such mindless tricks, but this time she was so impatient.

Ye Wangchuan broke the quiet atmosphere at this moment: "Jiang Li said that he will come to M state to film a movie recently, and wants to come and see you."

"?" Qiao Nian stopped shaking the can in his hand, and looked at him in confusion.

Ye Wangchuan met her eyes, and said very calmly: "I didn't betray you, Mr. Jiang told him that you are here."

Qiao Nian had already accepted this fact, so he took out his mobile phone and gave him a look: "Really? I'll ask Grandpa."

Ye Wangchuan immediately touched the bridge of his nose, and helplessly stopped her: "No, once you ask him, he will know that I said it."

"Tsk." Qiao Nian slowly put down the phone.

She was just talking, and she didn't really want to ask Mr. Jiang.

"How many days will he be here?" Qiao Nian has always had a good relationship with Jiang Li, and Jiang Li is going to come to film a movie, so she plans to take Jiang Li to a nearby restaurant for dinner.

Ye Wangchuan knew that she was not willing to "destroy relatives with righteousness", slightly raised her thin lips, and said in a low voice, "Three to five days."

Jiang Li has flourished in the entertainment industry. He used to be just a musician playing music, but now the music market is in a downturn.

The brokerage company has been persuading him to transform into an actor.

However, Jiang Li's entry into the entertainment industry was just for fun, and the second young master of the Jiang family was not short of money, and he had a good grandfather + good father.

Even though Jiang Zongnan frequently stepped on Qiao Nian's minefield because of Jiang Xianrou's affairs, Qiao Nian didn't bother with him for the sake of Old Master Jiang and Jiang Zongjin.

(End of this chapter)

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