Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2758 Jiang Li is Coming to Continent M

Chapter 2758 Jiang Li is Coming to Continent M

The company is still in full swing, and the money that should be earned is not less.

Since last year, Jiang Yao has also joined the company's management. Jiang Yao is much more mature now, and he is a talent who has stayed in a place like Tianchen. It is more than enough to manage an ordinary group. Under his leadership, the company has won a lot this year. project……

It was impossible for Jiang Li to set foot in the film and television industry, but he had worked with him for many years before, and something happened to the family of the director who filmed his MV.

In order to support him, Jiang Li accepted this director's movie.

He only takes the role of the male third, and the role is not too many. In the movie, it is a role that connects the past and the future, and needs to be filmed abroad.

The location they chose to shoot happened to be M state.

Jiang Li contacted Ye Wangchuan and said he would stop by to see Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian heard him explain the ins and outs of the matter to herself, but said nothing: "How long is his flight, I'll pick him up."

Ye Wangchuan was a little surprised, and paused: "Are you sure you want to pick up the plane?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyelids, but didn't understand what he meant: "Huh? Their crew won't let them pick them up?"

"That's not it."

Ye Wangchuan smiled: "If you want to go, I will go with you."

Qiao Nian nodded readily: "Okay."


Early the next morning.

The flight from Beijing to Mzhou landed at the airport.

This time it was filming in a different place, and the crew spent a lot of money to bring all the main members.

The heroine is the hottest Xiaohua Mu Yiyi at the moment, and the hero is Jing Yuan, one of the top streamers. Both the hero and heroine are currently hot.

But the most attractive gimmick of this movie is not the two major traffickers, but a third supporting role in it——Jiang Li.

Brother Li has always regarded money as dung, and usually doesn't even bother to accept a few endorsements. Except for some big names who take the initiative to find him, he basically does not accept advertisements.

Fans seldom see him on the screen, but this time he is willing to accept the role in a movie. The career fans burst into tears, and the mother fans and girlfriend fans also shouted that my son is promising.

At the airport, the crew just got off the plane.

The male and female protagonists and their respective assistants are standing together listening to the director tell them about the hotel they are staying in.

Because the weather in M ​​state is hot, the ultraviolet rays outside are relatively strong.

The hostess' assistant also carefully held up an umbrella for her to shade her from the sun, lest her delicate skin be tanned by the sun outside.

There was nothing wrong with the hero, but his cheeks turned red from waiting.

The assistant frequently looked at the exit of the plane, and couldn't help but whisper: "Is Jiang Li off the plane yet?"

"He seems to want to pick up something, and he probably took a while." Jing Yuan looks handsome and speaks softly.

The assistant muttered: "Everyone is waiting for him to come down, he is playing too big."

"Okay." Jing Yuan gave him a hand, and gently explained for Jiang Li: "His sister seems to be here, and what he took is a gift for her."

The assistant stopped talking.

On the other hand, Mu Yiyi frowned, her delicate face was very ugly, and she kept fanning herself with a small fan, as if standing here for a second would be a humiliation to her, so she asked the director impatiently : "When can we go?"

The director looked at the exit of the plane and said casually, "Come on."

Mu Yiyi was dissatisfied, but she didn't dare to say anything more.

She has been in the entertainment industry until now, and she also knows some people in the famous circle, and she has heard of Jiang Li's background to some extent.

She doesn't know exactly what Jiang Li's background is, but she also knows that Jiang Li is different from them.

(End of this chapter)

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