Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2787 The scumbags are going to kill themselves completely this time

Chapter 2787 The scumbags are going to kill themselves completely this time

And this time Qiao Nian specifically called him to ask about it.

Although he didn't know what happened to this phone call, Qiao Nian was never a person who would mention nothing.

Since she mentioned this phone call, Su Qing's behavior must have caused trouble for Yuan Yongqin!
Wei Lou closed his eyes slightly, and when he opened them again, he straightened the outline of his jaw, and said in a tone without room for maneuver: "You have no chance."

At the same time, the only old doctor in an inconspicuous small clinic in the chaotic neighborhood of country m looked at each other with several big men.

On the bed half a meter away from them lay a woman covered in blood. The shirt on the woman's body was stained with blood. She was unconscious and looked seriously injured.

The old doctor watched the old incandescent lamp on the roof burn until the lamp wire made a cracking sound, and couldn't help it. He carefully begged for mercy in a trembling voice: "Brothers, I really can't help you."

He turned around and pointed at the unconscious woman on the bed, and said tremblingly, "She is seriously injured, you should send her to the hospital as soon as possible."

"If her leg is not sent to the hospital, I'm afraid..."

He had just checked the body of this yellow-skinned, black-haired woman. There were multiple soft tissue bruises on her body. The most serious thing was that there was a steel bar running through the thigh on her left leg. It looked like a car part, and she didn't know what it was. Components……

Anyway, even the scary-looking blood hole on her leg is not an injury that a small clinic like his can handle.

The old doctor was about to cry, and begged them in a sobbing voice: "Although I have bandages here from time to time, most of them are minor injuries. I have never dealt with such a serious accident. In case of an accident, it is a human life." Lawsuit! I beg you, hurry up and send the person to the hospital, I can't handle it here!"

The man whom he begged so hard pushed him away, pulled out a chair very rudely and sat down, slapped the knife on the table, and said with a fleshy face: "If you die, I will send you to the hospital first." Mortuary!"

The old doctor was so frightened that his whole body trembled, his legs gave way and he almost knelt on the ground, but the people behind him quickly grabbed his shoulders.

He couldn't cry now, his legs were shaking like a sieve, and his voice trembled even more: "But her legs..."

The man is very talkative: "Well... If you can save her, you can save her, if you can't, forget it. You just need to save her life."

Hearing what he said, the old doctor was even more flustered when he secretly observed the group of them.

He has already realized that these people may not be good, or they may be some desperadoes, and this woman may be a poor person who was captured by them...

The old doctor had some sympathy for the woman lying on the bed, but in the current situation, he couldn't even protect himself, let alone sympathize with others.

He was held against the waist with a knife, so he could only bite the bullet and try his best to treat Yuan Yongqin's injuries and take first aid measures as much as possible.

As for the woman's left leg that was pierced by the iron sheet.

He had never been on the operating table at all, so he didn't dare to take it off, so he could only sprinkle anti-inflammatory drugs near the wound, praying that this woman would survive...

Under dim light.

Yuan Yongqin frowned because of the muscle pain stimulated by the alcohol used to clean the wound, her breathing became short of breath, and she seemed to have a fever.She moved her fingers vigorously, but she didn't have the strength to open her eyes, so she could only let herself continue to fall into the darkness...

(End of this chapter)

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