Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2788 Who are you, who let you in!

Chapter 2788 Who are you, who let you in!

The next day, at 03:30 in the morning.

In the dark room, the clouds and rain have just stopped, and scattered clothes and pants can be seen everywhere on the ground.

"I'm going to take a shower." The woman got up in the dark and wanted to turn on the light to pick up the clothes on the floor. She just got up and hadn't touched the button yet.

I heard the man selfishly scolding: "What are you doing, you didn't see that I was going to sleep, why did you turn on the light?"


She couldn't see where her clothes were without turning on the light.

The satisfied man ignored her and said impatiently, "Be gentle, don't disturb me to sleep."

"..." The woman had no choice but to hold back her breath due to his status, stood up and got up lightly, and tiptoed into the bathroom, intending to wash her body with water.

There was the sound of water splashing in the room, only a little light came through the glass windows, and it was too dark to see anything clearly in the huge suite.

Lei Kai turned over, pulled up the quilt and was about to go to sleep, but he had already drifted off to sleep...

at this time.

"Boom!" There was a loud knock on the door from outside, which woke him up from the half-dream.

Lei Kai thought it was the woman in the bath who made the noise, and angrily lifted the quilt and sat up: "You can't understand human speech, right? I didn't tell you not to make noise!"

He hadn't finished speaking when he felt someone walking in the darkness. Lei Kai vaguely sensed that something was wrong. The other person didn't smell of perfume.


He fumbled for the phone on the bed to check the situation with the light on the screen.

Suddenly all the lights in the hotel room were turned on, and the dazzling lights shone on his eyes. Lei Kai subconsciously covered his eyes with his hands, and after a few seconds of adaptation, he was able to take them away a little. A blurry figure appeared in front of him...

He hadn't seen the other person's face clearly.

He heard the exclamation of the woman who accompanied him to the hotel: "Who are you? Who let you in. Ah, security guard, security guard."

Lei Kai got a headache from the noise.

His eyes finally adapted to the strong light, and finally saw the person in front of him clearly, but it was a person he didn't know at all.


The girl standing in front of him looked about 20 years old, extremely young, with an oriental face that was surprisingly delicate, giving people a sense of surprise.

Lei Kai couldn't help but stare dumbfounded.

However, he soon came to his senses, and his cloudy eyes became vigilant: "Who let you in? Who are you?"

The girl casually took a blanket from his bed, turned around and threw it to the naked woman who came out of the bathroom, and said softly, "Put on your clothes."

The frightened woman realized that she was naked, and quickly wrapped the blanket that Qiao Nian threw her around her tightly.

She didn't yell anymore, but looked at Qiao Nian suspiciously and curiously.

After throwing the blanket to her, Qiao Nian ignored her and walked to the big bed. Looking at the man sitting on the bed who hadn't gotten up yet, he said with cold eyes, "You are Lei Kai?"

This was the first time Lei Kai encountered such a situation, his heart trembled slightly, he vaguely guessed the identity of the other party but felt incredible: "What's the matter with you? Who let you in."

Putting this matter aside, Qiao Nian may have the patience to chat with him.

But today she was in a particularly bad mood and had a bad temper. Seeing that Lei Kai was not cooperating, she nodded lightly, narrowed her eyes and said, "Don't tell me?"

"Who the hell are you? I asked you how you got in? Believe it or not, I'll call someone in right away." Lei Kaiser sternly.

(End of this chapter)

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