Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2796 Isn't that Lei Kai?

Chapter 2796 Isn't that Lei Kai?

Inside the Privy Council.

Ji Ziyin dawdled as much as possible to delay the time, but as a newcomer, she didn't have much work assigned, mainly to help with chores.

Things were done quickly.

Ji Ziyin had no reason to procrastinate, and could only walk outside the Privy Council with the others...

She has been reporting to the Privy Council every day for the past few days, unlike the other two newcomers who can't see anyone at all.

People in the Privy Council had a good impression of her.

As the group walked out, someone talked to her: "Xiao Ji, you have been here for so long. Do you know what happened to Qiao Nian in your family? I have never seen her in the Privy Council."

Ji Ziyin was worrying about Lei Kai's matter, listening to him talking to her, she answered absent-mindedly: "I don't know her very well."

"Aren't you from the same family?" It was a chubby fat man with a kind face who asked her out of pure curiosity.

Ji Ziyin glanced in his direction, frowned slightly, and quickly let go, with a perplexed expression on her goose face, as if she had something to hide, but stopped talking: "She is a loner, accustomed to Maverick."

A loner, a maverick.

The eight characters seem to say nothing, but they also hint at everything that should be implied.

A group of people walking with her frowned and became thoughtful, their impression of Qiao Nian was slightly worse.

Everyone stopped talking and walked forward in a muffled voice.

At this moment, someone saw the people around the gate of the Privy Council, stopped, pointed there and said, "Look, why are there so many people outside!"

Ji Ziyin and the others looked in the direction of his finger, and sure enough, they saw a lot of people gathered around the gate of the Privy Council.

"Why are these people surrounding us? They don't know where this place is?" Someone frowned.

Someone was annoyed: "Where are those people at the door? No one cares?"

"How did I see the archbishop and his people over there? Go, go and have a look." Some people noticed that not only people outside were gathered around the gate of the Privy Council, but people they knew were also watching.

Someone took the lead in the front, and a group of people followed one after another, all wanting to see what happened outside, such a big commotion...

Ji Ziyin invisibly fell to the back of the team.

She has never been interested in watching lively things, so she hesitated for a while, but she still didn't resist the temptation, and followed with her legs.


The gate of the Privy Council.

It was a very lively moment.

Ji Ziyin followed a group of people around to watch, and saw seven or eight men in black tied to the open space in the center of the crowd.

These people were tied up and thrown on the ground, and they were rolling all over the ground, looking very scared.

Another person was in a special situation and was thrown on the ground like a sack while wearing a hospital gown.

She didn't know the others.

Ji Ziyin saw clearly the man in the hospital gown, his complexion changed suddenly, and his gloomy eyes became nervous.

"Isn't that Lei Kai?"

"It seems that they are all from the old Lei family."

"What's the situation? Who tied all the members of Lei Lao's family to the gate of the Privy Council?"

Ji Ziyin heard the discussion from the people around, and she was sure that the man who was thrown on the ground like a pig was Lei Kai.

Her whole body was like thunder, her blood was about to freeze, she stood there like a wooden stake, looking at the person she was afraid to see in the crowd...

(End of this chapter)

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