Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2797 She Didn't Expect Qiao Nian To Do This For Yuan Yongqin

Chapter 2797 She Didn't Expect Qiao Nian To Do This For Yuan Yongqin

Qiao Nian was still wearing a peaked cap, a simple T-shirt and slacks. She looked very ordinary and inconspicuous.

But she has an unscrupulous temperament all over her.

Even in the crowd, it is difficult for people to ignore her existence!
The girl didn't notice her coming, but Ji Ziyin tightened her nails nervously, and said in a low voice, "Didn't she go to the hospital?"

The person standing with her heard her whisper and turned around in surprise: "Who are you talking about?"

Ji Ziyin hurriedly shook her head: "No, no one."

"It's weird." The man muttered, but he didn't ask the question to the end, and turned his head to continue watching the fun.

Ji Ziyin was not in the mood to care what she said, so she also focused on the farce at the gate of the Privy Council.

Moxi arranged good people and tied them one by one to the pillars at the gate of the Privy Council.

After arranging this, he walked up to the girl, raised his hand and pushed the gold-rimmed glasses on the bridge of his nose, looking extremely gentle: "Miss Qiao, can we start?"

The girl stood leaning against the off-road vehicle, twisting a thin piece of paper in her hand, without raising her head, but she was enveloped in a faint hostility.

"Well, let's do it."


When Moxi returned, he raised his hand to their people and signaled, "Do it."

Seven or eight people picked up the belts and pulled towards the Leonard family members who were tied there, with such force that they tore through the air.

Suddenly, ghosts and wolves howled at the gate of the Privy Council.

The cries of the Leonard family alarmed the entire Privy Council, and many people inside also heard the movement and ran outside to watch.

Crying, shouting, endless.

However, no matter how these people cry.

The girl who took the lead kept lowering her eyes and playing with the thin note in her hand, as if she couldn't hear these people admitting their mistakes and begging for mercy.


"Is she crazy?"

"Who is that person?"

"She seems to be the newcomer who came in this year. What's her name... Qiao, Qiao Nian? She is the one who was recruited by voting after Mr. Lei and Mr. Xue had a fight before."

"How did she do such a thing, Mr. Lei knows?"

"Too kind."

The Privy Council is known as the heart of the hermit family.

The hidden family is used to being domineering outside, not to mention these elites in the upper circle of the hidden family.

Who has seen such a scene of crying father and mother?

None of them expected that a newcomer would dare to despise the Leonard family, one of the three giants of the Privy Council, Mr. Lei.

Some people said that Qiao Nian was crazy.

Someone secretly admired her courage.

Some people were wondering what happened, how Qiao Nian would openly slap Lei's face at the gate of the Privy Council.

Only one person in the crowd knew exactly what happened.

Looking at the tragic scene in front of her, Ji Ziyin's complexion was as pale as paper, most of the blood in her body was cold, and the hand hanging by her side unconsciously clenched her fist...

She really didn't expect Qiao Nian to make such a fuss over Yuan Yongqin.

Yuan Yongqin is just an inconspicuous little person.

There are so many people like this around them, they just use them, who would risk their lives for the sake of a small person?

She looked in the direction of the girl with flickering eyes, suddenly the girl seemed to feel something, raised her head slightly, looked back, and a sharp gaze looked at her...

Ji Ziyin's heart beat fast, and she immediately looked away. She didn't know why and couldn't help hiding herself in the crowd, lest she be seen.

(End of this chapter)

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