Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2798 Found Ji Ziyin in the crowd

Chapter 2798 Found Ji Ziyin in the crowd
Ye Fanchuan was talking to Qiao Nian, when he saw her looking towards the crowd, he stopped and glanced in that direction lightly.

His hawk-like eyes were as sharp as a knife, and without Qiao Nian telling him, he saw a woman with her neck shrunk in the crowd.

"I thought she didn't come to the Privy Council." The girl said casually, "I planned to go to her after finishing the matter here. It just happened to save time."

Ye Wangchuan saw the woman hiding in the crowd from afar.

Wearing a low-key black suit, Ji Ziyin looks very capable and a big woman with a lot of aura. It's just that she acted sneakily and exposed her true nature.

"She's calling someone." He saw that Ji Ziyin was on the phone but he was not in a hurry, and he could tell from his lazy tone that he was not afraid of Ji Ziyin's rescue.

Ye Wangchuan turned to look at the girl, raised his eyebrows slightly: "Do you want me to bring her here?"

Qiao Nian threw away the note in his hand, straightened his legs, moved his wrists, his eyes were cold: "En."

Gu San quickly pulled him out from the crowd.

Ji Ziyin felt that Qiao Nian's heart was beating like a drum when she found her, so she hurriedly called Leonard.

Leonard already knew what happened at the gate of the Privy Council, and was rushing back from the hospital, telling her that she would be here in 10 minutes.

Ji Ziyin saw Gu San coming to look for her.

She knew that Leonard was coming soon, so she didn't feel so flustered, and there were so many pairs of eyes looking at her side by side.

She straightened the folds of the suit, without any needless struggle, and calmly followed Gu San out of the crowd of onlookers.

She was 'invited' out of the crowd.

There was another commotion in the crowd of onlookers, and the noisy discussions continued.

"Why was Xiao Ji called out? Didn't she say that she didn't know Qiao well?"

"Anyway, someone from a family probably has something to say to her." The people who came out with her to watch the fun thought Qiao Nian called Ji Ziyin to catch up on the old days: "Let's see and talk."

Most people didn't think there was much grievance between the two of them, and thought it was just asking Ji Ziyin to come out and talk.

Ji Ziyin was not very nervous at first, but when she saw Qiao Nian walking towards her, she became nervous unconsciously.

She didn't wait for anyone to walk in front of her, she spoke first, glanced at the Leonard family members who were still howling, and said in a half-joking and half-warning tone: "Qiao Nian, do you know what you are doing? It's not the Independent Continent, no one will tell you the truth. What you did today is enough to be kicked out of the Privy Council! Mr. Lei will not let you go easily."

"Anthracene? Why are you planning to not let me go?" The girl's tone was light, and she seemed to want to know the answer with her beautiful black eyes.

Ji Ziyin's throat twitched when she asked, but she didn't know how to respond: "If I were you, I wouldn't do things so badly."

The girl nodded nonchalantly, as if she had listened, but she didn't seem to have heard her fart at all, so she asked her, "Do you know why I asked you to come out?"

Ji Ziyin was still annoyed by her attitude, but when she heard this, she immediately put away her little emotions, lifted her hair by her ears, and said nonchalantly, "You just want me to see the fate of those who offended you, and warn me Do not provoke you?"

She wasn't particularly afraid of Qiao Nian finding fault.

(End of this chapter)

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