Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2841 Unexpectedly, an accident happened

Chapter 2841 Unexpectedly, an accident happened
He has always been cautious, and this time he brought Ji Nan to Continent M even more cautiously than usual, he specifically gave up the plane and chose to go by sea route.

The luxury ferry departing from Independence Island is equipped with the most advanced equipment, comparable to the ammunition depot of a cruise ship.

The sun rises and sets, and rises again.

He Lin walked to the deck, looked at the middle-aged man whose clothes were blown up by the wind, and walked lightly to the other side: "Patriarch, did you not rest last night?"

Ji Lingfeng looked at the calm and waveless sailing line.

The blue sky and the blue sea are in a line, and the sea and sky are the same color, which is an exceptionally magnificent scenery.

Without turning his head, he said, "Isn't Ji Nan up yet?"

"Nan Shao is still resting in the room." He Lin replied that he didn't answer.

Ji Lingfeng is used to his way of answering Tai Chi: "When he wakes up, tell him to come and find me."

He Lin lowered his head slightly: "Yes."

Ji Lingfeng stopped talking, and refocused his attention on the sea level not far away. There were seagulls flying over the glassy sea level, leaving silhouettes behind.

At this moment, the hull suddenly shook violently, and there was a loud explosion sound from the operating room.

Both He Lin and Ji Lingfeng were taken aback and calmed down.

Ji Lingfeng immediately told him: "Go and see what's going on inside!"

He Lin looked serious and didn't dare to delay for a moment. While running into the cruise ship, he said to him: "Patriarch, you stay here and wait for me, I'll be right back!"

Ji Lingfeng looked at his running back, pursed his lips, and his face became serious.

At this time, the cruise ship shook violently again.

Holding the armrest beside him to stand firm, his eyes sank, he didn't waste any more time on the deck, but hurried to find Jinan's room.


"What's going on outside?"

"what happened!"

"Don't panic, everyone, don't run around, don't add to the chaos!" Someone was yelling.

But all the people on the cruise ship were frightened by the two violent shakings, and people kept running out of their posts to find out what happened.

Ji Nan also rushed out immediately.

He was much calmer than the others, and he was still helping to maintain order, trying not to panic the people on the cruise ship.

It wasn't until he saw Ji Lingfeng walking towards him quickly that he showed a surprised expression and shouted: "Dad, why are you here?"

Ji Lingfeng walked up to him and grabbed his arm: "Are you all right?"

Seeing his solemn expression for the first time, Ji Nan froze for a moment, then shook his head: "I'm fine."

He looked at the messy yacht again, and asked Ji Lingfeng: "Dad, what's going on, what happened?"

Just as Ji Lingfeng was about to talk to him, he heard He Lin's anxious voice coming from the Bluetooth headset: "Patriarch, someone planted a bomb on the yacht."


Ji Lingfeng was rarely surprised, reached out and pressed the Bluetooth headset, and asked him hastily: "Didn't we check the yacht before we set off?"

"I have checked the yacht before, and I don't know where the bomb came from. I am trying to solve it."

He Lin's voice was dry and nervous: "It's just that I haven't seen this type of bomb, it may be tricky. In addition, Patriarch, there is another bad news. Our yacht's operating system has been implanted with a Trojan horse, which is a hacker Master, the signal of the yacht is about to disappear..."

Anyone who has been to sea knows it.

Once signaled on board the yacht, they 'disappear' in the open ocean, making it almost impossible to find them.

(End of this chapter)

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