Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2842 Ji Lingfeng sends Ji Nan away

Chapter 2842 Ji Lingfeng sends Ji Nan away
This is out of the scope of accidents, it is obviously planned by people to let them all be buried in the deep sea!

Ji Lingfeng has made a judgment in just ten seconds.

"Follow me!" He grabbed Jinan's hand and walked inside, while picking up the emergency safety hammer hanging on the wall, and smashed the fire alarm with one hammer.

The fire alarm immediately issued a sharp siren, and then thick smoke filled the cabin, and the fire-fighting device on the top began to automatically spray water mist to put out the fire.

The huge water mist made people's vision blurred, making it difficult to see the road in front of them clearly.

The already chaotic yacht is even more chaotic now!
Ji Nan was dragged forward by him: "Dad, what happened?"

"Dad, where are you taking me?"


Ji Lingfeng just dragged him forward dully, until he came to a closed iron door, and he turned the combination lock to open the door.

In front of Ji Nan was a downward staircase that only allowed one person to pass.

Ji Lingfeng ordered him without saying a word: "Go down first."

Although Ji Nan didn't understand what was going on, he still obediently got into the emergency exit and walked down.

Ji Lingfeng immediately jumped down and followed behind him.

It was dimly lit inside.

He could barely see the road under his feet.

After Jin Nan finally reached the end, he heard the sound of snoring water, and then a speedboat came into view.

Ji Lingfeng didn't know where to press the switch, the splint they were standing on turned violently, and the speedboat began to be transported into the water.

"Go up!" Ji Lingfeng ordered him with a serious face.

Ji Nan hadn't recovered yet, and looked back at him: "I'm not going, you haven't told me what's going on? Aren't you going with me? Where's Uncle He?"

Ji Lingfeng didn't have time to explain to him at all, so he pushed him up and ordered him sharply: "I let you go up! You don't even listen to me?!"

Ji Nan's face turned pale when he scolded him, and he subconsciously walked up following his words: "Dad, what happened?"

Ji Lingfeng listened to He Lin's report on the time of the bomb explosion in his earphones, his face sank like water, his eyes were as deep as inkstones, and he softly said to him: "Go southeast, 36° nautical mile, you can figure it out, It should be able to land. After landing, you can contact your sister, as long as you contact her, she should find you to pick you up."

"Dad!" Ji Nan had never seen him like this, as if he was telling his last words.

Seeing that the speedboat was about to enter the sea, Ji Lingfeng felt a little relieved, and rarely said gently: "This time I was not careful enough."

"She hates Ji's family so much, she wishes we could die. How could she negotiate with me? If I care about it, it will cause chaos."

Ji Nan couldn't understand a word: "Who? Who are you saying hates Ji's family?"

Ji Lingfeng didn't answer him, but let the rotating splint speed up to send the speedboat into the water, and said to him seriously: "Jinan, protect your sister, don't make the mistakes I made back then!"

Ji Nan fully realized that Ji Lingfeng sent him away, maybe he just wanted him to live.

He was about to jump out immediately.

How could Ji Lingfeng give him this opportunity, the speedboat entered the sea in an instant, he looked at the young man on the speedboat who was anxious to jump off the boat, and said in a low voice: "Don't you care about your mother? I promised her to protect you, listen to me, live go down."

Ji Nan's movements froze, and he suddenly looked at him.

But Ji Lingfeng gave him a sign to go quickly, left him a back view, and walked in the direction of going back.

(End of this chapter)

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