Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2849 Her bottom line is that Ji Lingfeng is dead

Chapter 2849 Her bottom line is that Ji Lingfeng is dead
"Ji Lingfeng's whereabouts are unknown now, and Ji Nan... ran away." Shadow didn't even look at the two of them, and only paid attention to one person the whole time.

Nie Qingru was leisurely reading the secret report. When she heard this, she raised her eyelids and said in a very displeased tone, "Run away?"

Shadow knelt on one knee, lowered his head and said, "Ji Lingfeng immediately discovered the bomb we hid in the cabin, and sent Ji Nan away."

"We didn't know that he still had a hand. He hid a secret room under the splint. There was a speedboat in the secret room. He used this speedboat to send Jinan away..."

"When our people found out, it was too late."

"Hey." Nie Qingru was not too surprised, raised his hand, and said indifferently: "The people of Ji's family are so virtuous, it's not so annoying for mice to die so easily! Where is Ji Lingfeng? Have you found his body? I want See the corpse."

Shadow blushed and said, "I haven't found it yet."

Nie Qingru said coldly: "...haven't found it yet?"

The temperature in the room plummeted several degrees, and even Leonard was very careful, with a nervous expression on his face.

Ji Ziyin's heart was pounding by what they said, she was both shocked and frightened, she gritted her teeth and did not show her timidity.

"You know my bottom line." Nie Qingru said lightly, flicking her fingernails.

If she ran away with Ji Nan, she could barely accept the result, then they haven't found Ji Lingfeng's body until now, so they are no longer satisfied!
Shadow knew her character very well, so he lowered his body, stretched his back into a bow, and explained to her in a low voice: "Queen, it's not that we don't want to look for it. It's... we haven't been looking for long before someone came."


Nie Qingru didn't expect someone to rush over so soon, and she also showed surprise.

Shadow reckoned that she would be angry when she finished speaking.But right now he can only bite the bullet and say: "Ye Wangchuan's people."

Before Ji Ziyin could react to the name that the shadow said, she only heard a 'bang' and saw the cup smashed towards her.

She was taken aback, and instinctively turned sideways to avoid the flying cup in embarrassment. Such a simple movement immediately revealed that she was different from ordinary people.

The movement of her right foot was obviously half a beat slower than that of her left foot, and the movement was one deep and one shallow. She turned out to be a cripple!
There was a cracking sound of a cup behind him.

There was no blood on Ji Ziyin's face, and she slowly supported the table and stood back to the original place, but the flaws exposed at that moment still made her miserable, far worse than being hit by a cup...

Except for herself, none of the other three people here looked at her at all, as if she was not worth mentioning like a decoration.

Nie Qingru sat there with a gloomy face when she dropped the cup, and said after a long time: "Since she already knows, we can't waste any more time."

It is always a hidden danger that Ji Lingfeng's whereabouts are unknown!
Nie Qingru squeezed her forehead, got up with a rare headache, turned her head, looked at the old man with hooked nose and asked, "Has Ji Hongyuan let go?"

Leonard didn't dare to show his anger, and nodded: "He agreed without thinking about it for long."

"That's good." Nie Qingru finally heard something that went well with her, and she looked a little better, and turned to look at the woman who had no sense of existence: "Ji Ziyin, you have always wanted to climb up. The opportunity has come! Now Ji Lingfeng and An accident happened to Ji Nan, and the Ji family has no leader. I have already contacted several respected elders of the Ji family to elect you as the new patriarch, you will not let me down, will you?"

(End of this chapter)

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