Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2850 She wants Ji Ziyin to control Ji's family

Chapter 2850 She wants Ji Ziyin to control Ji's family

Ji Ziyin looked at her suddenly, with an expression full of disbelief, and opened her mouth: "But legs..."

The dream is right in front of her eyes, but she has become disabled!
Ji Ziyin hated Qiao Nian so much before, and ruined her chance to climb up with her.

"Just tell me, are you willing to take over the Ji family for me?" Nie Qingru didn't care, or the entire Ji family in Independent Continent was just an ordinary chess piece in her eyes.

For the sake of the chess game, she can arbitrarily eliminate the person who blocks her, even if that person used to be her son in name.

She doesn't care about blood relationship at all, nor does she care about the emotions that the world cares about.

She just needs to control everything!

All can be sacrificed.

All disobedient people can be eradicated.

She is the rule!

"I'll give you three seconds to think about it." Nie Qingru needs a puppet who is obedient enough to manipulate Ji's family, but Ji Ziyin is not the only one.

She starts the countdown: "Three."


Ji Ziyin's heart was beating like a drum, and she pinched her palms to make sure it wasn't a dream.

Nie Qingru didn't even bother to raise her eyelids: "Two."

Sweat was pouring out of Ji Ziyin's forehead, there was nothing to consider at all, for fear that he would hesitate to miss this opportunity: "I am willing!"

Nie Qingru stopped: "Very good."

"I will do my best to serve Her Majesty the Queen."

Under her gaze, Ji Ziyin was sweating nervously, but her back was straight, and she could see that she wanted this opportunity very much.

Nie Qingru looked at her contemptuously, then turned her head and told the people on the ground: "Send her back and get ready."

The next day.

There is no news about Ji Lingfeng and Ji Nan.

Xie Yun received bad news.

The hands left by Ji Lingfeng looked like dirt, and he trotted over to look for her: "Ma'am, it's not good. The Sixth Elder has brought people over here."

Xie Yun didn't close her eyes all night, her face was haggard and sallow, she put down the clan affairs in her hands, stood up and frowned, "What does he want to do?"


Ji Ziyin had already arrived at Independent Continent overnight with the people from the hidden family sent by Nie Qingru, and now she was following Ji Hongyuan, surrounded by Ji Hongyuan and others, walking in the direction of Juyi Hall.

A group of seven or eight of them passed by in a mighty manner.

Many people in the old house are secretly looking here.

"Isn't that Miss Ziyin? She's back."

"The patriarch didn't publicly remove her from the clan before. At this juncture, why is she coming back?"

"You didn't see that the Sixth Elder was with her." Someone was smarter and saw the current situation: "I think it's going to change."

Some members of Ji's family frowned uncomfortably, dissatisfied with Ji Ziyin taking over as the next patriarch.

They are soft-spoken, and even if they are dissatisfied, there is no chance for them to express their opinions.

Some people don't care who will take over as the next patriarch. They are more interested in watching the excitement, so they pay attention to some small details.

"Look, she doesn't seem to be walking quite right."

Ji Ziyin walked the slowest among the crowd, slowing down step by step, putting all her weight on her right foot.

Such an approach would cause her kneecaps to be excruciatingly painful.

But she still insisted on putting her weight on her right foot.Because only in this way can the defects exposed when walking be covered up to the greatest extent!

But flaws are flaws.

Even though she tried her best to hide it through her clothes and slow walking speed, there was still no way to hide her limp right foot.

(End of this chapter)

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