Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2897 You are not from the Ji family

Chapter 2897 You are not from the Ji family
At the same time, there is a branch of Ji's house on Qiangwei Road.

The girl put the phone to her ear and said casually, "You can talk about it when you come back first."

Mo Dong didn't say any more: "Okay, I'll take him back right away."

Qiao Nian hung up the phone and walked back.

Just in time, Ji Ziyin who just sneaked out also came in from the outside.

She didn't look very well, and she was holding the phone tightly in her right hand. It seemed that she had just made a call outside.

Qiao Nian was looking at her.

Ji Ziyin also happened to raise her eyes.

The eyes of the two met in mid-air.

Qiao Nian raised her brows, but still hasn't responded.

However, Ji Ziyin quickly looked away as if she had a guilty conscience, and walked back to the elders as if nothing had happened.

"Someone from the Chamber of Commerce Alliance and the Hacker Alliance have come to me to inquire about the branch office! I see that the news is spreading more and more widely. Instead of pursuing responsibility here, we should do the aftermath first, so as not to let other forces see us as a joke. .”

She suddenly brought up the aftermath.

Several elders turned to look at her.

Among them, the four elders frowned, and said in an unfriendly way: "Are you talking about the aftermath at this time, are you making us pretend that nothing happened?"

Ji Ziyin curled up her fists and explained with an embarrassed expression on her face, "Fourth Elder, I didn't mean that."

"What I mean is that we don't have to pursue it to the end. Independent Continent has never implicated this organization. Since we have caught a few people, let's deal with them to outside forces. The rest, we You can discuss it slowly..."


It's not that the Second Elder, Fourth Elder and others have thought about the method she proposed before.

It's just that now they were aroused by Qiao Nian, and no one wanted the thirty or so people at the gate of Ji's branch hall to disappear for nothing.

Even the second elder who supported her before heard Ji Ziyin say this in a light tone, and frowned uncontrollably.

The second elder said: "Is this how you handle it?"

Ji Ziyin opened her mouth subconsciously: "I..."

Qiao Nian had already come from behind at this time, and said in his usual lazy and out of tune tone: "If they want to ask, let them ask me."

Looking back, Ji Ziyin saw the girl's ostentatious face, suppressed the gloom in her eyes, and said with a smirk: "You are joking. You are not from our Ji family, and you can't even ask if you want to." to you."

Qiao Nian saw that Ji Ziyin seemed to have forgotten that she had been expelled from the family a long time ago, so she just gave her a mocking look and didn't play tricks with her.

Turning his head and walking in front of several elders, he lowered his eyes and said in a deep voice, "I found Langke."

Several elders of Ji's family were slapped like chicken blood.

"So fast?"

"Are you sure you found him?"

"What about others?"

Qiao Nian heard their chirping noise, so he picked a question and answered, "They are on their way back."

So fast?
She thought about it, and before the elders could speak, she said, "I'll be there in about half an hour."

The elders of Ji's family didn't expect her to act so swiftly and swiftly. She said she wanted to arrest someone, but she had already found the culprit.

The second elder looked at her fixedly: "What are you going to do? We will listen to you."

When Ji Ziyin heard this, a bloody smell welled up in her throat, and she squeezed her palms hard to maintain her superficial calmness by relying on the pain.

But the trembling muscles of her cheeks betrayed her heart.

She is extremely restless at the moment!

(End of this chapter)

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