Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2898 Sister Nian is going to flip the table

Chapter 2898 Sister Nian is going to flip the table

Obviously this was an opportunity created for her by the Empress and the Hidden Family, but now Qiao Nian has established prestige in Ji's family!
When Ji Ziyin thought that she had spent so much effort to make a wedding dress for someone else, her heart was bleeding.

She had stagnation of old blood in her chest, but she didn't dare to burst out.

With so many Ji family members at the branch hall, no one pays attention to her.

All eyes fell on Qiao Nian who was standing in the middle of the crowd, as if he had a backbone.

The girl didn't seem to like the feeling of being stared at by so many pairs of eyes. She stretched out her hand and turned the peaked cap to cover the blood in her eyes: "Me? According to what I want, I will pay for it with blood! Listening to me means offending some people." people and power."

The second elder and the fourth elder looked at each other.

They have expressed their attitude before.

Now they still have the same attitude: "We don't want to offend some people, but people from Ji's family can't die in vain!"

Qiao Nian took out her mobile phone, drooping her eyelids, and made a call: "It's time to act."

Independence Island, cloudy.

The sky seemed to be about to rain, and the dark clouds became thicker and lowered, as if you could touch the clouds with your hands.

Mo Dong's men kicked open the door of the Dongji organization's lair.

The people inside were still playing Pai Gow in the underground casino, and those who were hugging women were all in a state of drunkenness and dreaming.

Until someone noticed the intruder from the outside.

They were still talking at the top of their voices, hanging ears and asking here, "Who are you, do you know where this is? How dare you come here."

Yaomen's work has always been clean and beautiful.

The capable burly man took out his gun and put it on the forehead of the man who was walking over with a beer bottle: "Looking for death? Huh?"

The man was so frightened that the wine bottle in his hand fell to the ground.

With the sound of the wine bottle breaking, everyone in the East Pole Organization noticed the movement here.When they saw dozens of black holes aimed at the inside, the underground lair could hear the sound of needles falling quietly...

The man whose forehead was pressed against the muzzle of the gun first had his legs trembling, and asked with cold sweat on his back: "Brother, what does this mean?"

They are not a particularly powerful force in Independent Continent, and they are no match for the big alliances such as the Chamber of Commerce Alliance and the Hacker Alliance.

But it has more cards than many of the forces below.

They really don't understand who made such a big noise to move them, aren't they afraid that they will retaliate afterwards?

The big man didn't bother to talk to him, and reported the situation here to the person in the headset, then raised his hand down, and ordered: "Take away their lair! Take all these people away."

end lair? !
Those people in the East Pole Organization panicked.

Few people in Independent Continent play like this!

Isn't this flipping the table?
They were all panicked, but they couldn't figure out who they had offended recently.

Among them, a few angry people wanted to take the opportunity to grab their guns and resist, but the countless infrared rays aimed at their temples in the dark made them give up resistance in an instant.

There are snipers out there.

As long as any of them moves around, I'm afraid they will explain it here in minutes today.

These people are all desperadoes, but they are not fools.

The disparity between the enemy and ourselves is so great.

No one wants to give away a head for nothing.

The members of the East Pole Organization were lined up in a row, dejected, and escorted out...



Many people in Independent Continent heard the news.

This time it was not the news that Ji Ziyin sent out.

It was Qiao Nian who asked Feng Yu to help her speak out.

A few cars were parked on the side of the road in the block outside the Dongji organization's lair, and all of these cars had their windows rolled up tightly, and no one dared to show their faces.

(End of this chapter)

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