Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2903 Do me a favor, buy me a painting

Chapter 2903 Do me a favor, buy me a painting
She directly picked up the phone and sent a voice message.

"I won't mess with you anymore."

"Help me check her background relationship."

"Reynard is looking for a famous painting to give away recently. I suspect that the person he wants to give away has an unusual relationship with Nie Qingru."

The computer that should be used by the slender waist control, the mobile phone is not with me.

Qiao Nian saw his reply in the group after sending the voice message.

[Slender Waist Control: Why are you checking this?Boss, don't tell me, you really plan to confront the queen. 】

Guan Yanhui's voice.

Qiao Nian clicked on her voice in the group, the background voice was very noisy, it seemed that she was outside: "Let me check. But boss, you have to tell me what you want to do?"

Qiao Nian was holding the phone and wanted to answer the voice, but frowned when the words came to her lips.

She immediately typed on the keyboard and changed to sending a text message.

【Sun: She can't always threaten me. 】

After the message is sent out.

Qiao Nian leaned back, her eyes were slightly cold, remembering how the woman who covered her face with a big hat brim threatened her to stop with those people in Beijing when she met Nie Qingru before.

In her mouth, Mr. Jiang, Jiang Zongjin...including Mr. Ye and Aunt Ye are all insignificant people in her eyes.

As long as these people hinder her or can be used by her, she will deprive everyone of their lives without hesitation.

It's the same as what she did behind the scenes this time at the branch of Ji's family!
But why?
Qiao Nian leaned back on the chair, she had already come to her senses, and looked at Guan Yan in the group and they had already responded to the message.

[Guan Yan: Let me check. 】

[Slender Waist Control: Forget it, the handsome guy will go to hell if he doesn't.Let me do it!You have something to do outside, and I have nothing to do here, just to pass the time. 】

[Guan Yan: Alright then, come here. 】

[Slender Waist Control: ...Would you stop insisting on riding the horse? 】

[Slender waist control: I'll come, I'll come!Damn, who made me handsome and kind-hearted.If I am killed by that empress, you guys remember to find me a place with good geomantic omen. 】

【Sun: Don't worry, I'll find you a place with mountains and water. 】

Guan Yan's merciless laughter immediately sounded in the small group.

The slender waist control became even more annoyed, and all kinds of emojis were posted on the screen.

Qiao Nian didn't play any more, so she closed the chat software and closed the laptop by the way.

She went to the French window and called Ye Wangchuan: "I asked Jian Jin to look for it, you don't need to look for it, the person should be with Lu Zhi. If he doesn't want to let him go, let it be like this. After a long time, he himself will come to me."

Lu Zhi probably wanted to negotiate terms with her by holding him back.

Qiao Nian was not in a hurry anymore.

Anyway, people are safe in his hands.

Independence Island is too chaotic, it is better to let Ji Lingfeng stay in the illegal area to recuperate.

Ye Wangchuan was far away at the headquarters of the dark castle in Continent F, there was a time difference with Independence Continent, it happened to be nightfall and the sky was full of stars.

He looked up at the starry sky, and his voice was infinitely gentle: "Are you assured that he will stay with Lu Zhi? Don't want me to help you snatch him back?"

As long as Qiao read a word, he would go to the illegal area and bring Ji Lingfeng back to her.

Qiao Nian clicked his tongue softly, and said with a smile, "No. Lu Zhi knows where my bottom line is, and he won't hurt Ji Lingfeng."

Ye Wangchuan raised his eyebrows: "God Qiao understands him very well."

Qiao Nian touched his earlobe, and changed the topic with his eyes hanging down: "Do me a favor."

"Huh?" The man's voice was low and mellow and his tone was like a feather brushing over his ears: "What's the matter?"

Qiao Nian felt impetuous: "Buy me a painting."

(End of this chapter)

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