Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2904 You even miss my things, I will still trust you?

Chapter 2904 You even miss my things, I will still trust you?

Ji Ziyin returned home in a daze.

She didn't stay at home for long, so she took her bag and hurried to the hotel to find Leonard.

Leonard now lives in the Presidential Suite at the Four Seasons Hotel.

When she arrived at the hotel, she hurriedly swiped her card and went to the top floor.

When getting out of the elevator, she ran into Leonard's assistant head-on.

"Miss Ji." The assistant saw her nodding her head lightly, the corners of her eyes and brows revealing the unique arrogance of the hermit family.

Ji Ziyin was in a hurry to discuss with Leonard, so she nodded and asked him, "Where are you going in such a hurry? Does Mr. Lei have something to tell you to do?"

The assistant had a surprised expression on his face, as if he didn't expect her to ask such a question.

Ji Ziyin reacted by herself, suppressed her resentment, immediately covered her mouth with a smile and said, "It's okay, I'll just ask casually. If it's not convenient for you to say it, forget it, go get busy."

The other party bowed slightly this time, pressed the elevator and said, "Then I'll go to work first, Miss Ji."

Ji Ziyin smiled and watched him enter the elevator until the elevator door closed...

Only then did the smile in her eyes shrink, she put on a blank face, clenched the bag in her hand, turned around and walked quickly towards room 8808.


Leonard had given her the hotel's key card.

Ji Ziyin swiped her card to enter, and walked over cautiously.

I heard Leonard's angry voice.

"What? You said the seller didn't sell it?!"

"Then find a way to make him sell it!"

"I need this painting badly."

Ji Ziyin's starry eyes flickered slightly, and she clenched her fingers tightly again, a thoughtful expression flashed across her face.

What painting?

Leonard hung up the phone angrily, and when he turned around, he saw the woman who was stuck in his room, and immediately walked over with a cold face: "What are you doing here?"

So indifferent!

Ji Ziyin was a little flustered, collected herself, bit her lips and said, "Old Lei, I'm here to apologize to you, I shouldn't have disobeyed your arrangement..."

She didn't finish speaking.

The hook-nosed old man took out a bottle of wine from the refrigerator and returned it, interrupting her coldly: "Farewell, I can't stand your apology."

He sat down on the sofa, opened the wine bottle with a wine starter and poured the red liquid into the glass at hand, without bothering to lift his eyelids: "You have the queen behind you, even I have to look at your face. You Why do you need to come to my place specially?"

Ji Ziyin was overwhelmed by his sarcasm, but stood there, not daring to move, and said awkwardly: "Mr. Lei, I made my own decision this time. I sincerely apologize to you. I'm sorry."

She bent over as she spoke, and solemnly bowed to the old man in front of her very openly.

Then Ji Ziyin raised her head: "I promise to listen to your arrangements in the future!"

this attitude.

This flexible structure.

Even Leonard didn't expect her to be so open-minded. He stopped shaking the wine glass, put the glass back on the tea table, and sneered: "Hmph. I have been in the world for decades, but I didn't expect that I was almost killed by the eagle when I arrived." Pecked eye!"

He is one of the three giants of the Privy Council at any rate.

Normally, those who are as famous as him are Old Xue, the archbishop of the church... Who would have thought that he almost capsized in the gutter.

His power in Independent Continent was almost 'eaten' by a little guy around him.

He himself was kept in the dark!
No one can swallow this breath for whoever is responsible for this matter.

"Don't do this with me, if I don't know what you did today, I might still believe you." He narrowed his eyes slightly: "You even have a fancy to my things, do you think I will still believe you Bow down and apologize to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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