Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2915 The banquet is about to start, let's go

Chapter 2915 The banquet is about to start, let's go

Gu Hengbo's cheek muscles twitched rapidly, and his temples throbbed, nothing compared to the palpitations caused by the violent heart beating when he was stared at by a girl's wolf-like gaze.

He grabbed the palm of his hand, his face was cold, his eyes were cold, and he threatened in a low voice: "There is a hidden family behind Ziyin, you can't win her. I have put the ladder in front of you. If you are smart, follow the ladder." down. Otherwise..."

Qiao Nian heard more than once that there was a 'hidden family' behind Ji Ziyin's ears, and her ears were almost callused.

She picked out her ears, looked at Gu Hengbo again, with a calm expression: "Then you let Ji Ziyin quickly bring the hidden family to deal with me."

"..." Gu Hengbo was choked up by her words instead.

If he could let Ji Ziyin teach Qiao Nian a lesson, why wait until now.

After all, both the Gu family and himself were ruined by the girl in front of him.

If he could take revenge, he would have taken revenge long ago!

It's just that every time he mentioned Qiao Nian to Ji Ziyin, Ji Ziyin would find reasons to excuse her, or else she would act extremely unhappy.

He couldn't help but mention it again.

Gu Hengbo suppressed the hatred surging in his chest, pursed his lips, and said flatly, "Do you have a painting in your hand?"

"Huh?" Qiao Nian originally thought that he just didn't know something, so he came to look for him presumptuously.

Who knew that Gu Hengbo knew about painting.

"How much do you want?"

But it seems that Gu Hengbo knows very little information, and it may not even be Ji Ziyin who told him.

"I want this painting, you sell it to me. Money is not a problem, as long as you propose an amount, I will give it to you as appropriate."


Qiao Nian took a deep look at him, she was sure that he probably knew very little, but she didn't know where she heard that Ji Ziyin wanted the painting in her hand, so she came here to take the painting and go to Ji Ziyin to 'offer a treasure' .

She didn't intentionally make things difficult for Gu Hengbo, she just looked away boredly, and said softly: "She wants to paint, you let her come and get it from me."

With that said, Qiao Nian was about to leave.

Gu Hengbo still wanted to stop her: "I said, money is not a problem! If you sell the painting to me, you can raise as much as you want."

Qiao Nian glanced at him, his eyes were as sharp as a knife, his hands were still in his pockets, but the aura around him became fierce: "Get out of the way."

"I won't say it a third time."

"You should still remember the impact on the Gu family last time. Do you think the Gu family can do it again?"

Gu Hengbo's outstretched hand subconsciously froze in mid-air, and his expression also became stiff.

He watched the girl leave without looking back, and he didn't dare to chase after her.

The driver of the Gu family watched the person leave, and was more anxious than him: "Master, why did you let her go? She hasn't received the invitation yet. Do you want me to call her back?"

Gu Hengbo came back to his senses at this moment, looking at the back of the girl going away sullenly, his face muscle trembling quickly subsided.

With a gloomy face, he slowly put down his hands: "Let's go, go back."

The driver followed in surprise: "Master, are you not inviting her to go with you?"

"...The banquet is about to start. If you don't go back, it will be too late." Gu Hengbo didn't answer directly, but his throat seemed to be stuffed with cotton, and he felt uncomfortable no matter what.

The driver saw that his face was not very good-looking, so he didn't say any more.He only glanced in the direction the girl was leaving from a distance, then turned around and opened the door to get in the car.

(End of this chapter)

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