Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2916 Just in time, the people at 7:[-] WAL have also arrived

Chapter 2916 It's just right, the people from the seven o'clock WAL have also arrived

In the evening, the Four Seasons Hotel is brightly lit.

When Gu Hengbo arrived at the place, Ji Xiao, Ji Hongyuan and others had already arrived and were greeting guests at the door.

Seeing his late arrival, Liao Quan hurried out to greet him and asked, "Mr. Gu, why are you here now? Didn't we make an appointment at six o'clock?"

It's 06:30 now.

Gu Hengbo was half an hour late.

Gu Hengbo raised his hand to look at his watch, and said with a straight face, "Is Ziyin here?"

"Her." Liao Quan was distracted: "She hasn't arrived yet, and she probably won't come until seven o'clock. You know that she has entered the Privy Council now, and she is usually busy with a lot of things to deal with..."

Seeing that Gu Hengbo's brows were getting tighter and tighter, he hurriedly said: "...But she told me that she would come here on time at seven o'clock."

Only then did Gu Hengbo loosen his frown, and walked inside: "Exactly! At seven o'clock, the other WAL members have also arrived."

This time Gu Hengbo spent all his money to organize this celebration banquet for Ji Ziyin.

He threw in all the connections he had made over the years.

Many forces in Independence Continent still sold his face, and all the forces with a little dignity sent people over.

People from Chamber of Commerce Alliance, Hacker Alliance, etc. have come over.

People from even the top families such as the Lu family and the Xie family also came to support them.

Gu Hengbo also spent money to invite many academic masters to come, and even sent invitation letters to many colleagues who used to be the first research institute with shame.

When he walked to the door and met Ji Xiao, he raised his eyebrows and asked him, "Has anyone from the First Research Institute come?"

Ji Xiao and Ji Hongyuan have been in charge of greeting guests at the door.

Compared to Ji Hongyuan.

Ji Xiao is more tactful and better at interpersonal relationships.

He has always had a good relationship with Gu Hengbo, and he shook his head when he heard the words: "It's still early, maybe Dean Feng and the others will come later."

For such a high-level banquet, the more important guests will pay attention to the order of entry.

For example, if Feng Yu wanted to come with an identity like Feng Yu, he would definitely not arrive half an hour before the banquet started.

It loses identity.

Gu Hengbo knew in his heart that even if Feng Yu was to come, it would be impossible for him to arrive so early, but he vaguely understood in his heart that the probability of Feng Yu's coming was almost zero.

"If he comes, let me know, and I'll come out to receive him." Gu Hengbo told him.

"Well, don't worry." Ji Xiao agreed very happily, but a trace of contempt flashed in his eyes very quickly, as if he was mocking Gu Hengbo for still treating himself as a member of the First Research Institute, or that proud laboratory Same as the person in charge.

As time approaches.

Six forty.

The people Gu Hengbo invited began to arrive one after another.

Luxury cars gathered outside the Four Seasons Hotel, and the parking attendants were all dumbfounded and dazzled by this scene.

People from the Hacking Alliance came first, and then the Chamber of Commerce Alliance sent people over... and then several luxury cars parked in front of the hotel...

The Taishan Beidou from the academic world invited by Gu Hengbo also arrived, and he, Liao Quan and others were responsible for receiving these people.

With the presence of these masters in the academic world, the celebration banquet led by Gu Hengbo was filled to the brim, and some families and forces that were still on the sidelines also sent people over.

All of a sudden, the hall where the banquet was held was crowded with people, and it was extremely lively.

Gu Hengbo exchanged simple greetings with a master in physics, checked the time on his watch, and called Liao Quan to take care of him.

He himself put down his cocktail glass and left the banquet hall.

(End of this chapter)

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