Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2923 The painting was snatched by Qiao Nian

Chapter 2923 The painting was snatched by Qiao Nian

Shi Fu's car also arrived.

Hearing Su Zhe calling him, he frowned and stopped, letting Zhou Zhou get in the car first: "Is Professor Su okay?"

Su Zhe stood there in embarrassment, summoned up his courage and said, "Well... I want to ask Mr. Ye's little girlfriend tonight, does she know Mr. Feng?"

Shi Fu looked at her in surprise.

Su Zhe became more and more embarrassed, clenched his hands, and explained: "When I went to the bathroom, I ran into Feng Lao, and Mr. Ye's little girlfriend was there, so I wondered if the two knew each other..."

She originally thought that it was impossible for Qiao Nian to befriend someone at Feng Yu's level.

But Qiao Nian was that Mr. Ye's girlfriend, so everything became difficult to talk about.

But Su Zhe didn't want to figure out this matter for these reasons, she mainly wanted to prove that she was better than girls with ostentatious appearances!

After all Ye Wangchuan rejected her, she still lost face tonight.

Shi Fu didn't understand her twists and turns, and when she saw her asking himself, he answered straightforwardly: "You mean Qiao Nian? She is from the First Research Institute, the heir chosen by Feng Lao, and also a member of WAL. one."

Su Zhe didn't believe his ears at all, and hurriedly raised his head: "She, she, she is..."

"Q." Shi Fu said a code name with indifferent eyes.

Q God.

Su Zhe's face turned pale, his lips trembled for a moment, and he forced a smile that was uglier than crying: "Thank you, Vice President, I won't bother you anymore."

She stepped back.

Shi Fu hummed, opened the door and got in the car.

The car of the First Research Institute also drove away in an instant.

Only her friend saw her go over and say a few words to Shi Fu, with a very bad expression on her face, and worriedly grabbed her shoulder and asked, "What's wrong with you, why is your face so bad?"

Su Zhe looked at her and shook his head bitterly.

What happened to her?

It’s just that I thought I was quite arrogant at the beginning, but I found out that I was arrogant to the wrong person.Now I'm embarrassing and embarrassing, I just want to find a crack in the ground and get in.

Fortunately, no one else knew what she was talking about with Shi Fu, so Su and Zhejiang could barely maintain their dignity.

She just wants to get out of here quickly.

at the same time.

At the Four Seasons Hotel, Ji Ziyin's celebration banquet is also over.

Her celebration banquet this time is comparable to a public execution scene. After the whole banquet, no member of WAL was present to congratulate.

The degree of embarrassment is comparable to the moon and stars hitting the earth.

Ji Ziyin finally made it through to the end of the banquet, and immediately left with a sullen face. She didn't even care about the guests present, and left it to Ji Xiao to deal with it.

She didn't go far from the banquet hall, but took the elevator to reach the top floor where Leonard was.

Leonard hasn't rested yet.

She knocked on the door and went in.

"Mr. Lei, I have something to ask you."

Leonard walked to the sofa and asked her, "Where is the painting I want?"

Ji Ziyin had long expected that he would urge her, and she had been secretive before, but now she changed her mind and walked in front of the hooked-nosed old man.

"The painting was robbed by Qiao Nian."

Leonard was opening a drink, but when he heard this, he squinted at her with extremely dangerous eyes: "Didn't you promise me that you would help me get the painting?"

Ji Ziyin immediately avoided his sight, lowered her head, looking very weak: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lei. She took the painting by force, and I can't help it. I have already mentioned to her that you like that painting very much, She still wouldn't budge."

Leonard's complexion was drooping.

He didn't expect that Qiao Nian even took away the painting. Wasn't this deliberately against him?
(End of this chapter)

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