Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2924 What do you think he is

Chapter 2924 What do you think he is

She observed Leonard's expression, and said cautiously: "Mr. Lei, we can't always be led by her. Now she is less and less concerned about you and the queen. If this continues, I'm afraid ...I am afraid that your reputation will be ruined forever!"

Leonard was furious: "Ji Ziyin, who gave you the courage to talk to me like that?"

Ji Ziyin lowered her head and didn't talk back, just stood there straight.

Leonard was so angry that the veins on his forehead bulged.

But Ji Ziyin hit his heart a little bit. The progress of the independent continent's plan has not been smooth, and what he wanted was also cut off by Qiao Nian.

If he doesn't fight back, no one will take him seriously in the future.

"Okay, I'll think about it myself." Leonard suppressed his anger and issued an order to evict the guest: "Go out."

Ji Ziyin raised the corners of her mouth, her mood suddenly brightened, she went out very obediently and closed the door for him.

"Mr. Lei, do you want to listen to her instigation? This woman is obviously using you as a weapon, and wants you to come forward and teach Qiao Nian for her."

After Ji Ziyin left, a medium-sized man came out of Leonard's room.

The man is Leonard's assistant and Leonard's confidant.

"That Qiao Nian... is not easy to mess with. If we act rashly, she might have something to do. Since she snatched the painting when she knew you wanted to paint it, she is not afraid of you coming to her."

Leonard walked back to the sofa and sat down with a heavy heart, his face sank like water: "I know what you said! I haven't paid attention to Ji Ziyin's little thought, the most important thing is that I promised Nie Shaoyao Give him this painting."

His confidant walked in front of Leonard with a look of embarrassment: "Can't we exchange a gift?"

Leonard glanced at him quickly, and seemed to think that the question he asked was ridiculous, and immediately put his hands aside, and casually said: "What do you think he is? He usually can't get what he wants, it's rare Talk to me once, how can I disappoint him..."

It was just the two of them in the room.

Leonard's confidant also relaxed, and couldn't help but look up, and lowered his voice: "Mr. Lei, is that Nie Qixing the Queen's son or..."

When Leonard heard this, his eyes suddenly shot at him sharply.

His confidant was startled, cold sweat rolled down his back: "I'm sorry, Mr. Lei, I'll just talk about it."

The hooked-nosed old man withdrew his gaze and said slowly, "You are from our Lei family, so of course I believe in your loyalty."

He wanted to see his relaxed confidant again, and reminded him coldly: "But you have to remember, what you just asked is a taboo topic. Don't talk about it outside, once it reaches the Queen's ears, you will only have There is a dead end! And the family may be implicated. Do you understand?"

His tone was extremely severe, and his expression was very serious.

His confidant couldn't help mentioning the twelve distractions, nodded immediately, bowed and said: "I understand, Mr. Lei."

"Yeah." Leonard responded and raised his hand: "Go out, I want to stay alone for a while."

Seeing his preoccupied appearance, his confidant raised his head a few times, but obeyed his order, brought him a glass of warm water and put it on the table before going out, carefully said: "You have a bad stomach, drink less wine."

Leonard was stunned for a moment, hesitating to stay away from the wine glass and water glass for a moment, but he picked up his confidant and poured him warm water.

(End of this chapter)

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