Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2938 If you catch it, you must catch it!

Chapter 2938 If you catch it, you must catch it!

Qiao Nian went to the refrigerator to get a bottle of Coke, pulled the tab, took a sip of the Coke casually, and said unhurriedly, "I didn't suspect it at first. You mentioned her name to me the other day. Thinking about it, it’s not impossible.”

The Coke in the refrigerator was steaming, but the temperature from Qiao Nian's fingertips was like a prairie fire.

She sneered and her voice was hoarse: "The dog will jump over the wall when it is in a hurry. I didn't expect her to be so courageous."

Leonard is one of the three giants of the Privy Council, backed by the Lei family, and the Lei family itself is also the top few families of the Hermit family.

How dare Ji Ziyin make such an idea, really think she has nine lives?
Can withstand the Lei family's revenge?
"She may feel that she is a special existence in Nie Qingru's eyes, and Nie Qingru will save her life no matter what..." She thought about it and only thought of this reason.

Qiao Nian's eyes sank slightly, and the corners of her mouth were still raised, but her smile didn't reach her eyes: "Nie Qingru has no emotion at all. Ji Ziyin, a woman who can kill her only daughter, actually wants to be a special case in her eyes? Chick! "

This sneer, I don't know who I'm laughing at.

But there was a scorching fire burning in her heart, which made her temples throb.

She walked over and said to Ye Wangchuan: "I have limited manpower in Independence Island, help me look up the number on this piece of paper. I'll make her understand!"


Ye Wangchuan held the piece of paper between his fingers, and went to the study to make a phone call without further ado.


No one expected that Qiao Nian would start to check from the ballistic trajectory.

Ye Wangchuan made a phone call to Ji Lin, and within half an hour, Ji Lin got the manufacturer's purchase list through his connections.

This list is much more complete than the simple registration information on the black market.

After all, most of the people who engage in the arms business keep their money.

Ye Wangchuan got the list sent by Ji Lin, and handed over the phone: "What you want."

Qiao Nian took the phone silently, zoomed in on the picture on his phone, and sure enough saw Ji Ziyin's name in front of the number he found.

Now the dust has settled.

She was basically sure that the person behind the scenes was Ji Ziyin.

Qiao Nian had been mentally prepared since she got the list on the black market, so she wasn't too surprised when she saw the final result.

Seeing that she just uploaded the picture to his mobile phone, Ye Wangchuan lowered his eyes and asked her: "What are you going to do next?"

"Didn't she want to be the head of Ji's family?" Qiao Nian's eyes flashed a trace of coldness, and he returned the phone: "I'll wait for the dog to jump over the wall again."

There was no movement from Nie Qingru's side for a long time, Ji Ziyin should have waited extremely tormented.

She is in no hurry.

If she went directly to Ji Ziyin with this list, Ji Ziyin might still make excuses.

She wants to catch the current situation, otherwise how can she stand up to the trap carefully set by the other party?

"Leonard's people are still guarding the hospital?" She thought of something at this moment, and asked with her head tilted.

Ye Wangchuan understood her thoughts in a blink of an eye, put away the phone, went to get the car keys, and said to the girl: "Let's go, I'll accompany you there."

Four days.

Ji Ziyin waited for four days, but there was no news from the Hermit Family.

Even Lei's family at the hospital didn't move, as if Leonard's death didn't cause any waves.

While waiting, she gradually became irritable. While asking Ji Xiao to inquire about the news outside, she hesitated whether to contact Nie Qingru.

(End of this chapter)

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