Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2939 Ji Ziyin didn't notice anything wrong

Chapter 2939 Ji Ziyin didn't notice anything wrong
However, the impression Nie Qingru left on her was too oppressive. In the end, Ji Ziyin didn't dare to ask her why she hadn't come to Independent Island to deal with Leonard's funeral.

She ran to the hospital at the last resort and went to Lei Ting first.

Leonard died strangely, Lei Ting did not transport him back to State M, but sent someone to guard the hospital 24 hours a day, waiting for instructions from State M.

When Ji Ziyin found Lei Ting, Lei Ting had just finished answering the phone.

He strode towards the woman. Seeing the concerned expression on Ji Ziyin's face, disgust flashed across his eyebrows, but he forcibly endured it and answered her question: "It's not that I don't want to avenge Mr. Lei. There is Ji Ziyin behind that Qiao Nian." Unless Ji’s family is dealt with first, otherwise we will not be able to take revenge even if we want to take revenge on other people’s territory.”

Ji Ziyin's mouth was bubbling anxiously, with a hypocritical expression on her face, she asked strangely, "The Ji family still wants to help Qiao Nian?"

Lei Ting observed the agitation under her calm surface, and a sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth: "Maybe the death of Lei Lao is not enough."

"?" Ji Ziyin didn't understand what he meant.

However, Lei Ting patiently explained to her: "Don't you know? Qiao Nian is backed by forces from Continent F, and the boyfriend next to her is not an ordinary person. The Queen probably has to think twice if she wants to touch her."

After hearing this, Ji Ziyin closed her eyes and her expression became forced: "Really?"

Lei Ting followed her words: "Yeah, she didn't take Lei Lao's death at all, and dared to ask me to meet tomorrow. But if she causes trouble again, I guess the empress can't bear it anymore."

Ji Ziyin suddenly looked at him: "... Qiao Nian asked you out? Why did she ask you out?"

A trace of uneasiness emerged in her heart, and the emotion passed by in a flash, and she couldn't grasp it even if she wanted to.

Lei Ting sneered and said mockingly: "Maybe she wants to tell me about Mr. Lei."

"She came to me before and said that Mr. Lei's death was strange, and she didn't do it. Maybe she found some evidence again."

His words exploded in Ji Ziyin's mind like thunder, and she instinctively looked at Lei Ting to observe his expression and movements.

Seeing that Lei Ting didn't seem to believe Qiao Nian's words, she was secretly relieved.

But Ji Ziyin's hands still clenched into fists involuntarily, she didn't even notice her nails sunk into her flesh, and her heart beat fast: "What evidence can she find, the surveillance is destroyed by her!"

Lei Ting snorted: "How do I know?"

He said casually: "I will know when I go to see her at eight o'clock tomorrow morning."

Ji Ziyin grasped this information keenly, twitched the corners of her mouth vigorously, and comforted him with concern: "Don't worry too much, the empress can't ignore Mr. Lei's affairs, one day she will get the punishment she deserves!"

Seeing that she was about to reach out to pat his shoulder, Lei Ting dodged back on conditioned reflex, avoiding her hand.

Seeing Ji Ziyin looked at him in surprise.

He suppressed his gloom again, and said to Ji Ziyin apologetically, "I'm sorry, I reflexively did not intend to target Miss Ji."

Ji Ziyin knew that he was very skilled, otherwise Leonard would not have valued him, so she withdrew her hand and didn't take it seriously: "It's okay."

She got a lot of news from Lei Ting, her heart was in a mess, and she didn't want to deal with it anymore, so she said to him: "Then I won't bother you, you go to work first, I'll go back."

Lei Ting did not keep her, and even took the initiative to ask the Leonard family to send her out. It seemed that they valued her very much.

Ji Ziyin didn't notice anything wrong, enjoyed the respect of the Leonard family with peace of mind, and left the hospital under the escort of the two.

 PS: Ji Ziyin pills this time
(End of this chapter)

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