Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2958 The truth is icy cold, and the dregs are completely cool

Chapter 2958 The truth is icy cold, and the dregs are completely cool

Ji Ziyin's pupils constricted, and she screamed tremblingly: "Impossible! You lied to me. She can't ignore me, I'm still useful."

While Lei Ting looked at her pitiful appearance, he was extremely disgusted, and at the same time he sympathized with her: "You are indeed useful."

"The queen won't leave me alone." Ji Ziyin was forced to look up at him, tears streaming down her cheeks, looking funny and embarrassed.

Lei Ting let go of his hand in disgust, shook her off, and wiped his hand as if it was stained with something dirty. After wiping it clean, he turned back to face the woman in despair, and said coldly: "You don't know yet, do you? I like you not because of your bluffing achievements."

"You are so notorious in Independent Island that you can't get along, but she still takes a fancy to you and trains you. Do you know why?"

Ji Ziyin's heart trembled, and she vaguely felt that a secret was about to be revealed in front of her, and this secret might destroy her long-standing persistence: "Why, why?"

Seeing her calm down, Lei Ting's eyes were cold, and the corners of his mouth curled up, revealing the ruthless truth mercilessly: "Because she is Qiao Nian's grandmother."

Ji Ziyin suddenly opened his eyes wide and stopped breathing.

"The queen is Qiao Nian's grandmother, but she has some personal grievances with Qiao Nian, which makes her dislike Ji's family. She likes you not because of your talent, but because you are disgusting enough to be like a clown. Jumping up and down in front of Qiao Nian, that's all!"

Such a slap in the face of the truth was placed in front of her, and Ji Ziyin felt as if struck by lightning. At this moment, her mind went blank, and it made her more sad, angry, desperate, and even maddened by pain...

"No, it's impossible."

"You are lying."

"It's not true."

She shook her head desperately.

Can't stand the truth at all.

She said that Lei Ting lied to her, but the tears couldn't stop streaming down, and she described her as crazy, like crazy.

"Don't try to lie to me!"

"I won't believe what you say, not a single word!"

"It doesn't matter whether you believe it or not." Lei Ting was extremely indifferent at this moment, put his hands behind his back, looked at her as if he was looking at a dead person: "Don't worry, I won't let you die so easily."

Ji Ziyin was terrified again, she was more afraid of death than she really wanted to hit her, her whole body couldn't help trembling, her eyes were full of panic.

"What do you want to do?"

Lei Ting did not hide from her, and paced in front of her: "The Leonard family has an island that is dedicated to those who have made mistakes, and those who go there cannot leave the island until they die."

"You're a good fit there."


She doesn't want to!
Ji Ziyin's complexion was as pale as paper, ignoring the pain from the tight ropes on her wrists, she rushed forward with all her strength, and shouted loudly: "Kill me! You have the guts to kill me!"

Lei Ting watched her struggle with cold eyes, didn't stretch out his hand at all, but stood where she couldn't touch, and said softly: "Death is too easy. Since you do something stupid, you have to pay the price. I will let you spend the rest of your life in endless Go through the pain, only in this way can you comfort Lei Lao's spirit in the sky..."

As he spoke, he turned around and prepared to leave: "Ji Ziyin, taste the bitter fruit well."

Lei Ting left the room, and the door closed again.

It was plunged into boundless darkness.

Ji Ziyin cried bitterly in the boundless darkness, crying out in pain: "Let me go, I want to see Qiao Nian! I was wrong, I regret it! I want to see Qiao Nian..."

Then no one will pay attention to her.

The two strong men outside acted as if they couldn't hear her, and no one would give her another chance.

(End of this chapter)

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