Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2959 Sister Nian is definitely going to see Nie Qixing

Chapter 2959 Sister Nian is definitely going to see Nie Qixing


Independence Island has clear skies and excellent weather.

Qiao Nian got up early in the morning. After washing up, she opened the closet and randomly picked out two pieces of clothes and put them into her backpack.

She also packed a laptop and cell phone charging cable into the bag, and threw in the small pill bottle that was on the table.

She put all the things she wanted to bring inside, then zipped up her bag, put on her peaked cap and went downstairs before going out.


In the living room downstairs, Ye Wangchuan was already waiting for her to come down.

He is dressed very freshly today, with a blue striped shirt over a white T-shirt, the collar is slightly open, and the light brown Buddhist beads on his wrist are particularly conspicuous.

Like Qiao Nian, he had almost no luggage, his hands were empty, and he seemed to be holding a mobile phone.

"Let me get it." Ye Wangchuan stepped forward and took the bag from the girl's hand naturally, carried it on his shoulder, and immediately lowered his eyes, and said to Qiao Nian with elegant and dignified demeanor: "What time does Feng Lao make an appointment with you?"


Qiao Nian rubbed the space between her brows to dispel the sleepiness in her eyes, and answered him, "He's waiting for us at the airport, we can just go there."

Ye Wangchuan took her hand and walked out: "Let's go, Moxi is below."

Qiao Nian felt the warmth coming from the palm of his hand, looked down at the hands that were holding each other, his brows and eyes softened, and followed him naturally.


Feng Yu waited at the airport for half an hour before seeing Moxi's car parked in front of him.

He saw the girl getting off the car, and walked up to him: "Are you really going to country M?"

"Go and see."

Qiao Nian's going to Country M was also a temporary idea, she decided after thinking about it for a long time, and then told Feng Yu last night that he didn't have to bother to find someone to hand over the painting, just hand over the painting to herself.

Feng Yu also ran to the airport early in the morning to wait for someone. Seeing that Qiao Nian seemed to have made up his mind, he put away his words and returned the painting that Qiao Nian had given him to the girl from the car. Xi took the painting to the plane.

He stood there by himself, turned his head and looked at the girl again: "You, if you are going to attend Nie Qixing's birthday party, you have to be careful."

Feng Yu said again: "I don't understand why this Nie Qixing attracted your attention, but you think there is something wrong with him, I trust your judgment. If he is related to the empress, you have to be more careful, otherwise the The border is their territory, and it is not as convenient as the Independent Continent in all aspects. Even if I want to help you, it is too far away."

"Yes, I know." Qiao Nian said seriously.

Seeing that she listened, Feng Yu took a deep look at her, then walked to the side, and pulled Ye Wangchuan aside to talk.

Qiao Nian frowned when she heard Feng Yu telling him to take good care of herself, with a helpless expression on her face, so she didn't bother the two of them, and went inside to check things by herself.

"You also think there is something wrong with that Nie Qixing?" Feng Yu asked Ye Wangchuan in a low voice.

Ye Wangchuan answered him patiently and politely: "He is indeed not like a marginal figure in the Nie family, at least his relationship with the empress is not as simple as it appears on the surface."

Feng Yu took a deep breath and nodded: "Even you said that..."

He stretched out his hand and patted the man's shoulder twice: "This time, take good care of her in the past, and don't be impulsive in everything. The not something that can be solved overnight, and you can see the tricks when you take your time."


Feng Yu let go, not to waste his time: "Okay, you guys go."

(End of this chapter)

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