Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2962 Are you picky or not?

Chapter 2962 Are you picky or not?

When he went to Continent F and Independence Continent alone, Xi Tianmudi slept there, and he didn't have to have a suite to rest.

But since Qiao Nian knew him, he seemed to be very particular about the quality of life, so he gave him a look of "Don't you know?" and didn't say anything further.

Ye Wangchuan was even more helpless, since he couldn't recall to her the glory days of his debauchery in public, so he could only compromise and said: "There is no need to change places. I'll be with you. If you can live, I can live too."

"Okay." Qiao Nian didn't want to argue with him, so she nodded, as if she believed him.


Seeing that she barely believed him, Ye Wangchuan seemed to have been hammered silently on the chest, not heavy but more and more depressed.

However, Qiao Nian had already uncovered the matter, and began to lazily lean there with her head down and play with her phone...

He had no choice but to swallow this breath, and let it go with himself.

The car soon stopped at the entrance of the five-star hotel.

The driver opened the door for them.

Ye Wangchuan got out of the car first, Qiao Nian immediately took her bag and got out of the car right after him.

Country M is a bustling scene at night, and the Cavelin Hotel is even more resplendent and magnificent.

An ordinary car arranged by Feng Yu.

Their car is not enough to look at in front of a row of luxury cars outside the door, very inconspicuous.

The driver helped put down the suitcase brought by Moxi, closed the lid of the rear compartment, walked up to Qiao Nian, and handed the girl a card respectfully: "Miss Qiao, just go in and check in."

Qiao Nian took the card from him, stood upright but politely said to the driver: "I'm sorry."

The driver looked at her suddenly, then quickly waved his hands: "No, this is all part-time work, Miss Qiao, don't be polite to me, the dean has made arrangements."

"En." Qiao Nian nodded, closed the door, and said to him, "Then let's go in first."

The driver hurriedly said, "Okay, okay. Go in."

Qiao Nian turned her head and said to the man beside her, "Let's go, let's check in first."

Ye Wangchuan conveniently helped her pull the suitcase behind her, walked beside her, and entered the hotel lobby side by side with her.

Moxi doesn't live here.

It's too eye-catching here.

Moxi's status was not convenient for living there, so he didn't follow in.

He and the driver watched Qiao Nian and the others enter the hotel lobby, and then went to the side to make a phone call with Independent Island.

Tell them it's okay.

Not long after, Mo Dong sent an address.

Moxi saw Ji Lin's address and phone number on the text message, pursed his lips, turned back, and planned to meet Ji Lin first.


In the hotel lobby.

The girl walked to the front desk and handed over the card: "Hello, two people, check in."


The front desk took the card from her plain hand, put it on the scanner and scanned it, and verified that it belonged to the first research institute.

So with a smile on her lips, she raised her head and said to the girl in front of her, "Wait a moment, I'll handle it for you right away."

The access card that Feng Yu read to Qiao didn't require them to show their documents, but they just stayed in a hotel in the name of the First Research Institute.

Qiao Nian leaned against the marble at the front desk, waiting for them to go through the formalities first.

The Cavelin Hotel is indeed one of the top hotels in country M. The lobby is all made of marble, and the crystal lamps on the high ceiling reflect the dazzling light, and the taste of money is everywhere.

(End of this chapter)

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