Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2963 Sister Nian met Nie Qixing

Chapter 2963 Sister Nian met Nie Qixing

Qiao Nian was bored there waiting for the front desk to complete the formalities and get the room card.

She herself doesn't pay much attention to the surrounding environment, but she can't help her temperament is too outstanding, and people frequently look at her.

A group of people descended from the exclusive elevator on the top floor. Among them, the man walking in front was in his early thirties, in his prime, dressed in a neat suit and looked gentle and elegant, with friendly facial features.

He was walking out surrounded by crowds, when he suddenly saw a girl waiting at the front desk out of the corner of his eye...

He paused slightly.

Walking speed also slowed down.

Someone keenly noticed his gaze, and turned his head to look at Qiao Nian. When he saw Qiao Nian, the man with a fat head and fish showed a clear expression.

"Qi Shao likes Orientals?"

Hearing this, the young man looked at him with a half-smile, and said in a very gentle tone, "Didn't I say that? Don't call me anything less, just call me Professor Nie."

Fat-headed fish was extremely afraid of him, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, nodded hastily and said: "Yes, yes, Professor Nie looked at me and forgot again."

"I will definitely remember next time, I must remember!"

The young man just smiled lightly, not intending to argue with him, and continued to walk outside.

Fathead Fish quickened his pace to follow, licked his face again, carefully trying to figure out his thoughts: "That girl just now..."

Parked outside is an unremarkable Toyota off-road vehicle. The price of this model is affordable. The car parked outside the hotel belongs to the high-end series of Cruze naked cars. It cost more than 70. about ten thousand.

But none of the people present dared to underestimate this car.

Because although this car is inconspicuous, the owner of the car is well-known, and he is definitely not someone to be messed with.

The young man walked to his car and opened the door with one hand. Hearing this, he raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect Fathead Yu to mention the girl just now: "What's wrong with that girl?"

The fat-headed fish man was dripping with cold sweat, but he didn't dare to show it. He rubbed his nose and laughed: "No, it's nothing. I'll just say it casually."

The young man was about to get in the car, fastened his seat belt, and said to him, "Next time, don't just talk about a girl, it's not good for girls."

Fathead Yu was so frightened that he nodded repeatedly: "Yes, yes, what Young Master Qi said is true."

The young man narrowed his eyes again, looking at him with a half-smile.

Fathead Yu slapped himself, and quickly changed his words: "Look at me, I'm such a pig brain. What Professor Nie said, I remember it."

The off-road vehicle quickly drove away from the hotel entrance under the watchful eyes of their group and disappeared into the night...

Fathead Yu's legs softened, and he managed to hold on to the arms of his companions to stand firm. At this moment, his face was pale and his lips trembled: "You said Qi Shao wouldn't be angry with me, right?"

The person walking with him looked confused, looked in the direction where the car disappeared incomprehension, and supported him again, and said in a naive tone: "No way? I think Professor Nie is very good, he is easy to talk, and very friendly." polite."

Fat-headed fish looked at him like a fool, let go of his hand, and stood still: "Easy to get along with? Easy to talk? Oh, you will understand later."

He let out a bad breath from his chest, called his companions, and turned around to go to the hotel: "Let's go, let's check the information of the girl just now, and ask for a contact information."

His mouth has always been very stupid, not as good as others.

He was able to climb up to Qi Shao, all because of his own ability to figure out his thoughts, this time he also needs to be 'sensible'!
(End of this chapter)

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