Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2964 He really dares to ask for Miss Nian's contact information

Chapter 2964 He really dares to ask for Miss Nian's contact information
Qiao Nian didn't know that she was being targeted.

She got the room card at the front desk and took the elevator up to the 12th floor.

Feng Yu made two rooms for them, they were next to each other, and Ye Fanchuan's room was opposite to hers, you can see it when you open the door.

Qiao Nian handed him the room card of 1203: "I'll take a shower first."

"Dinner?" Ye Wangchuan hadn't finished.

Qiao Nian opened the door of her room in 1202, leaned against the door, raised her head slightly casually: "Eat whatever you want, I don't want to go out."

"Then order takeaway." Ye Wangchuan asked what she wanted to eat.

Qiao Nian lowered her eyes and thought for a while, then felt that it would be too troublesome to wait for the food to be delivered: "Let me take a rest first, let's eat at the hotel."

"it is good."

Ye Wangchuan looked at the time, raised his eyes slightly, and said: "You pack up, call me."

Qiao Nian felt uncomfortable after sitting on the plane for more than ten hours, and long ago wanted to take a cold shower.

After discussing with him how to deal with the dinner, he responded, went back to his room without further ado, threw the shoulder bag to the side of the bed, bent down and took out a change of clothes, and brought clean clothes into the room Went to the bathroom.

What Feng Yu said was an ordinary room.

But Keveling is a top five-star hotel anyway.

The general room size is not too small.

Apart from a bed and a TV table in the room of 37 Baping, there is a small world near the floor-to-ceiling windows. There is a ginger single sofa and coffee table, and there are two pots of green plants beside it. Elegant and comfortable.

It can be regarded as a model of a small sparrow with complete internal organs!

Qiao Nian went into the bathroom and turned on the cold water and took a cold shower. The cold water washed away the fatigue from the long flight.

She dried her hair and walked out of the bathroom, took her laptop and put it on the coffee table in front of the window, opened the curtains and saw that the sky outside was completely dark.

There are many high-rise buildings outside, and the lights of every house are bright, giving the grand occasion of a bustling metropolis.

It's completely different from Independent Island.

It looks busier than Beijing, full of fiery trees and silver flowers.

Qiao Nian took out a bottle of mineral water from the small refrigerator, unscrewed it, took a sip of water, walked to the window again, and looked at the night city below.

She just stood there ready to open her laptop and work.

The phone in the room rang suddenly.

... Who will call her at this time?

Qiao Nian paused for a second, put down the water and walked over, picked up the hotel internal phone on the bedside: "Hello?"

Her voice was extremely hoarse.

He just took a shower, and there was a bit of carelessness and frivolity in his tone.

Like pearls and jade falling on a plate, it sounds inexplicably nice.


There was no response there.

Qiao Nian frowned, looked at the short number on the phone display, and was about to hang up.

The person on the other end suddenly said, "Hello ma'am, I'm sorry to disturb you so late, I'm the front desk staff of the hotel."

"Is something wrong?"

The attitude of the girls is lukewarm.

The receptionist was a little embarrassed, and said bravely: "Um, it's like this. A VIP saw you at the reception and said that you looked very much like one of his friends. He was not sure if he had identified the wrong person, so he wanted to ask if you would like contact details……"

Qiao Nian raised her eyebrows, her dark eyes were somewhat clear: "Huh? You mean he doesn't even have the contact information of his friends?"

"Uh... this..." The front desk of the hotel was obviously confused by her question, and couldn't find a suitable excuse for a while: "Ma'am, I don't know either, why don't you give me your contact information, so you can talk about it yourself?"

(End of this chapter)

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