Chapter 2967 Miss Qiao must go?

Then he carefully put the painting into the cardboard box, bent down to carry the flat cardboard box onto the car, and the courier brother rode on the delivery truck to deliver the goods.


When Qiao Nian returned to the hotel, Ji Lin and Moxi had just come to the hotel to look for her.

The two were standing at the door of Qiao Nian's room, at a loss.

The elevator in the corridor rang, and Ji Lin turned his head to look back, saw her coming out of the elevator, and rushed to meet her: "Miss Qiao, where have you been?"

Seeing the two of them, Qiao Nian frowned, swiped his card past them to open the door, and replied casually, "I went out to do something."

Ji Lin was obviously taken aback.

Qiao Nian has already opened the door and entered.

He also followed Moxie and entered the room.

"We came to look for you. We knocked on the door and found no one. We were wondering whether to call you, and you came back." Moxi said with a smile.

He knew Qiao Nian better than Ji Lin. He knew that Qiao Nian was independent and would often go about her own affairs.

So he didn't think much of it.

He explained to Qiao Nian, and seeing the girl walking to the refrigerator without paying much attention, he opened the door and turned around to ask them, "Do you want some water?"

Moxi was very polite: "I want a bottle of mineral water."

Ji Lin didn't know Qiao Nian very well, so he didn't have the nerve to ask for water like him. His handsome face showed a slightly uncomfortable expression, and he shook his head and said, "I don't want it."

Qiao Nian took out two bottles of water from it, threw one of them to Moxi, and walked towards the sofa with a can of Coke.

While asking them concisely: "You came to see me early in the morning, what's the matter?"

Moxi and Ji Lin looked at each other.

"...It's nothing serious." Ji Lin spoke first: "I heard that Ms. Qiao is going to attend Nie Qixing's birthday party?"

Qiao Nian sat down and took a sip of Coke. Hearing this, he raised his eyelids slightly, and was too lazy to speak: "En."

Seeing that she really planned to attend this Nie Qixing's birthday party, Ji Lin frowned and said, "This Nie Qixing is not outstanding in the Nie family. He has no contact with the core industry of the Nie family, and has been focusing on academics. And he even hides himself in the world. None of the family members..."

You must know that Nie Qingru is the noble Empress of the Hidden Family, and everyone in the Nie Family enjoys dividends. The main members of the Nie Family have a very high status in the Hidden Family.

But this Nie Qixing seldom has anything to do with the word "Hidden Family". It looks ordinary, even a little ordinary.

Of course, what he thinks of being ordinary refers to his identity and background, not Nie Qixing's ordinary achievements!
Nie Qixing's achievements in atomic energy can be regarded as top level.

But what about this?

People who have seen the existence of hidden families, independent continents, and illegal areas, who would pay attention to "successful people" and "talents" in the ordinary sense.

He didn't understand why Qiao Nian came to country M to attend such a person's birthday, and even Master Wang accompanied her to mess around...

After Ji Lin said that, he thought about the purpose of coming today: "But this Nie Qixing's birthday invitation is not easy to get."

"He only invited relatives, friends and people he knew well."

"If we're going, it's not easy to get in. It's easy to arouse their suspicion!"

That's why Ji Lin disapproved of going to the birthday party of Lao Xingxing. It was too easy to startle the snake and expose their whereabouts in country m.

Ji Lin looked at Qiao Nian steadfastly, and asked her solemnly: "Miss Qiao, are you sure you must go?"

(End of this chapter)

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