Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2968 Qi Shao, should we check this person

Chapter 2968 Qi Shao, should we check this person

Moxi frowned when he heard his words, and frequently signaled him to speak well with his eyes.

However, Ji Lin was so straight-hearted that he didn't see the eyes he cast over frequently, and stared at Qiao Nian for an answer.

Qiao Nian raised her head and took another sip of Coke, and was about to casually put down the can.

"Didi." At this moment, her phone rang suddenly.

Qiao Nian casually put the Coke on the table, raised her eyelids slightly and said to Ji Lin, "Sorry, I'll answer the phone."

She said getting up and walking outside.

Ji Lin and Moxi moved sideways to make way.

Qiao Nian went out first along the path they gave way.

After she goes out.

Moxi lowered his face and pushed Ji Lin's shoulder: "What did you just do? How did you say it? Can't you just talk?"

Ji Lin didn't think he was wrong: "I've been speaking well the whole time, and I didn't say anything wrong."

"Oh, you!" Moxi shook his head, not wanting to talk about him.

He turned sideways and said solemnly: "That Nie Qixing is not worth our trouble, Miss Qiao is going to his birthday party, I must ask clearly."

the end.

He also said to Moxi: "You are not from us, you don't know the situation in country M. It's hard to get a seat for Nie Qixing's birthday party!"

"I also asked Miss Qiao more out of serious consideration."

Moxi was speechless for a while, and begged him for mercy, but his face was not very happy, and he said angrily: "Okay, what you said makes sense. Anyway, you remember what you said today, so don't ask Joe for anything in the future." Just put it on the lady's head!"

Mo Dong wasn't so pissy at the beginning.

They have followed Wang Ye all the year round, thinking that they have seen people and things before, and they have developed a character of looking above the top when they encounter problems.

Anyway... Ji Lin just don't slap him in the face!

When Ji Lin saw that he was talking with a gun and a stick, he also lowered his face and threw his hands away to ignore him.



Qiao Nian didn't know about the dispute in the room.

She just picked up the phone when she heard the polite and polite voice of the man on the phone asking her: "I just received the express delivery."

"May I give you a call."

"Miss Qiao, did you send it to the wrong person?"

Qiao Nian lowered her eyelashes halfway, leaning against the wall of the emergency staircase in the hotel corridor alone, listening to the voice of the well-bred man at the other end, she didn't know what came to her mind, a trace of sarcasm quickly flashed across her eyes, and the corners of her mouth curled up, gently Sneered: "No, it's for you."

The phone was silent for a few seconds.

"I don't seem to know you?" Nie Qixing still had a personable attitude, but his tone was tightened, and he sounded more cautious.

Qiao Nian didn't take his temptation seriously: "It's enough for me to know you."

Nie Qixing remained silent for a long time again, narrowing his eyes slightly, with dangerous eyes, just as he was thinking about Qiao Nian's background.

The girl continued in a condescending tone: "I read your article on atomic energy in the journal Nature, and I really want to make friends with Professor Nie."

"Have you read the article on Nature?" Nie Qixing visibly let down his vigilance.


Qiao Nian responded with a rather casual tone: "That painting is my meeting gift, I hope Professor Nie likes it."


In the city center villa.

Nie Qixing pulled off the tie around his collar, loosened his neck, and breathed much more easily.

At this time, the servant at home quietly approached, saw him on the phone, and asked cautiously: "Young Master Qi, do you want to investigate this person?"


Nie Qixing gave him a cold look.

Didn't he see himself on the phone? !
(End of this chapter)

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