Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2969 Did Ms. Qiao think it through?

Chapter 2969 Did Ms. Qiao think it through?
The servants at home immediately retreated to the corner with a pale face, not daring to disturb him anymore.

Nie Qixing walked to the 'gift' he received in the morning, lifted the black canvas covering it, and touched the exquisite oil painting under the canvas.

His eyes gradually tightened and fixed on the painting.

He has been fond of collecting cultural relics since he was a child, and he is very accomplished in this area. He can tell the authenticity of this painting with just a glance.

This isn't another finely crafted fake.

It is a real sunflower that is likely to be outside for hundreds of years!

Nie Qixing let go of the canvas in his hands, and when he heard Qiao Nian casually say that this was just a 'meeting gift', he smiled, and immediately asked: "Miss Qiao is in country m? Are you free in the next few days? If it is convenient for you, Do you want to come to my birthday party?"

He received a definite answer, and said more casually: "Then, Miss Qiao, is it convenient for me to have an address? I'll have someone deliver the invitation later."

Nie Qixing wrote down the hotel's name and room number, and the gentleman hung up the phone.

After he hung up the phone, his eyes turned cold.

Then he went back immediately and told the servant who spoke just now: "Go to the Cavelin Hotel to send an invitation."

"Yes, Young Master Qi."

The servant immediately agreed and was about to go to work.

Out of the corner of his eye, Nie Qixing saw the painting of sunflowers in the living room again, pulled off his collar, and said relaxedly, "Let's find out who she is."

The servant paused slightly, and immediately bowed respectfully: "I understand, Young Master Qi."

He is faster.

It quickly disappeared outside the villa door.

Nie Qixing watched his leaving back, turned around and walked back to the dining room, dragged a chair and sat down, and began to eat slowly.

He also has to go to the university in the morning to see the laboratory, and he also has to accept an interview with a professional magazine... There are so many things.

But none of these chores were on his mind.

Nie Qixing picked up the slice of toast and smeared jam on it gracefully, but his mind was running fast, thinking about who noticed him.

His external identity is just an inconspicuous fringe figure in the Nie family. Except for a few people who know his identity, most people don't know his relationship with Nie Qingru...

So he did have lackeys like Zhang Yin by his side, but he was the first person to sign the courier with Joe on it so generously.

Nie Qixing always felt that he had heard this name somewhere, but his impression was very vague, and he still couldn't remember where he heard it.

On the other side, Qiao Nian hung up the phone and went back.

Moxi and Ji Lin were still waiting for her there.

As soon as Ji Lin saw her coming back, he asked, "Miss Qiao, how are you thinking about what I just told you?"

Moxi still didn't look at it anymore, pulled him, and blocked the gun for Qiao Nian: "Miss Qiao just called back from outside, even if you want to think about it, you have to give it some time. It's not too urgent!"

Ji Lin frowned.

Qiao Nian returned to the place where he was standing just now, put down his phone, picked up the coke can again, rubbed the can with his white fingertips, and asked him casually with raised eyes, "Just... what happened?"

Seeing that she didn't take it seriously, Ji Lin took a deep breath and walked up to her: "It's about Nie Qixing's birthday party."

"Miss Qiao, have you thought about it? Do you want to go?" He paused for another second, not very happy: "If we want to go, we have to find a way to get his birthday invitation letter."

(End of this chapter)

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