Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2981 Neither the Independent Continent nor the No. 1 Research Institute are qualified for Ni

Chapter 2981 Neither the Independent Continent nor the First Research Institute are qualified for Nie Qixing
Zhang Yin took a deep breath, and his attitude changed a lot: "Don't inquire about nothing!"


Qiao Nian agreed too quickly.

Zhang Yin couldn't help looking at her again.

The girl sat on the body calmly, not panicking at all, she didn't look like she was stopped and taken into the car while walking on the road, more like she got into the car on her own initiative.I'm not afraid at all!
Zhang Yin felt impetuous for no reason, took a deep breath, and said coldly to the girl: "Just remember what I told you, follow Qi Shao, and you will have endless glory and wealth in the future. You are strong in Independent Continent!"

Better than her in Independent Continent?

Qiao Nianxing narrowed her eyes slightly, pinched her fingers, and said with the same foolish look: "You are right."

The car drove in the urban area for about half an hour, and stopped in front of a high-end club.

"Here we are." The driver stopped the car and turned around.

Zhang Yin saw the outside, turned his head to look at the girl who was very cooperative along the way: "Miss Qiao, we're here."

"Okay." Qiao Nianhao spoke very well, and pushed open the door to get out of the car.

When she saw the door of the clubhouse that caught her eye, and Zhang Yin led her in with ease, she knew that there was a high probability that this was one of Nie Qixing's well-hidden private sites.

Qiao Nian paused slightly.

Zhang Yin stopped and urged her: "Miss Qiao, please!"

Qiao Nian saw that he was afraid that he would run away, so she curled up the corners of her mouth, suppressed the bone-piercing coldness in her eyes, and walked forward cooperatively.


Zhang Yin arranged her in one of the private rooms.

"Miss Qiao, your cell phone." Before he went out, he was very cautious, and knew that he would take away Qiao Nian's cell phone and cut off contact with the outside world.

Qiao Nian very cooperatively handed over the phone from his pocket: "Take it."

Zhang Yin stretched out his hand to take it, and looked at her vigilantly again.

"Miss Qiao seems to be very cooperative with us?"

"Do I have a choice?"

Qiao Nian's quick rhetorical question dispelled Zhang Yin's suspicion.

He smiled bitterly, took Qiao Nian's cell phone away, and said with a smile: "Miss Qiao will thank me in the future."

He said he was about to go out.

Qiao Nian walked to the sofa and sat down, and found that there was a fruit plate on the table, so he inserted an apple with a fork, and stopped him instead: "Since you know that I am from Independent Island, you should also know that behind me is the number one apple." Institute."

Zhang Yin put his hands on the doorknob, and when he heard Qiao Nian's question, he turned around and replied kindly: "I told you, neither the Independent Continent nor the First Research Institute are qualified in front of Young Master Qi!"

"If you follow Qi Shao, life will only be better than this!"

Well one is not qualified!

Both the Independent Continent and the First Research Institute are not qualified in front of him.

What a breath.

Qiao Nian got his answer, her eyes were dark and bright, without any emotion on her face, she calmly said to him, "Okay, I understand."

"Then Miss Qiao, rest well!" Zhang Yin didn't know what she understood, but he just didn't want to waste time with her.

The main reason is that he always feels that the girl in front of him cooperates a bit wickedly.

It made his heart flutter, and he always felt an inexplicable sense of uneasiness, and this uneasiness would gradually increase with time...

Zhang Yin left as soon as he said he would.

Close the door soon.

He saw that Qiao Nian was very cooperative along the way, and he didn't bring anything with him, so he just took a mobile phone and went out without bringing anything else.

He searched Qiao Nian's cell phone away, and asked two people to guard outside to prevent him from running away, and he didn't care about the rest.

(End of this chapter)

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