Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2982 He didn't know he was going to be miserable

Chapter 2982 He didn't know he was going to be miserable
Qiao Nian watched as the door of the box was closed.

She finished eating the apple on the fork slowly, clapped her hands, and then adjusted the watch on her hand. After a while of tinkering with her, the watch turned into a small high-tech communicator, and she couldn't see anything unusual unless she looked carefully.

She only messaged one person.

It is a voice that lowers the voice.

very short.

Only three seconds.

"I found Nie Qixing's lair."


The people under Zhang Yin had already found Nie Qixing in the hotel, nodded and bent down, and repeated Zhang Yin's confession, emphasizing it.

"Young Master Qi, Mr. Zhang said that he has prepared a surprise for you. He is waiting for you at the old place."

"Surprise? What surprise did he prepare for me?"

Nie Qixing had just finished seeing off the guests and had some free time. He stood in the corridor and pushed down his glasses impatiently.

"He won't get me into trouble again?"

His speech speed is not fast, and his voice is soothing, which will give people a sense of comfort like a spring breeze.

The strong man under Zhang Yin's hand lowered his head suddenly in fright, and quickly denied: "Mr. Zhang has indeed prepared a surprise for you."

Nie Qixing seemed to understand what Zhang Yin said about the old place and the surprise. He squinted his eyes, rolled up his cuffs, and said casually, "I'm not done here yet. I'll talk about it when I'm done!"

"Okay." The subordinates did not dare to urge him.

His subordinates watched helplessly as Nie Qixing walked back to the banquet hall and continued to arrange for the guests to leave, while he went to the corner and called Zhang Yin to report...


in the clubhouse.

"Young Master Qi hasn't finished delivering the guests yet." Zhang Yin received a call from his subordinates, put the phone he found on the table, and leaned comfortably on the sofa, and a waitress came over to give him a massage immediately.

Fathead Yu closed his eyes enjoying it very much, and continued to talk to the other side: "Don't disturb him, let Young Master Qi do the work first. I'll just wait here!"

"Yes, President Zhang."

Zhang Yin heard the subordinate's obedient answer, put down the phone casually, opened his eyes, and saw the mobile phone on the table from the corner of his eyes.

He paused for a second and asked the waitress to bring him the phone: "Bring it here and let me see."

"Okay." The waitress delicately handed over Qiao Nian's cell phone on the table.

Zhang Yin took it over without even looking at her, and lowered his head to turn on the screen, thinking that he could unlock it directly.

Unexpectedly, he tried several times, all of which were wrong passwords.

And the third time, the phone was locked directly.

Zhang Yin took a deep breath, feeling inexplicably irritated, and threw the phone to her: "Find someone to unlock the password."

The waitress frantically picked up the phone, and she could tell with great insight that he was in a bad mood, so she wisely went out to find someone.

Zhang Yin waited for her to go out, then called the manager of the clubhouse, and cautiously told the manager: "Find someone to keep a close eye on the people in the box, I always feel a little uneasy."

The manager of the clubhouse is about the same age as him, even fatter than him, as fat as an inflated balloon, very smooth: "Mr. Zhang, don't worry. This is not the first time we have done this kind of thing, and we will definitely not Something went wrong!"

"Besides, we are backed by Young Master Qi." The manager is very confident: "Which person who doesn't have a good eye dares to provoke us!"

Zhang Yin said, "Be careful."

In my heart, my vigilance has been relaxed.

After all, ever since he wooed Nie Qixing by relying on "knowledge", he has stepped into the real top circle with half a foot. Even if he only touched the tip of the iceberg of that circle by relying on Nie Qixing's relationship, compared to the people outside, he will spend his whole life. It's much better to want to touch that circle!
(End of this chapter)

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