Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2983 Even Zhong 1 class was alarmed

Chapter 2983 Even Zhong Yiliu was alarmed

He didn't do this kind of strong buying and selling once or twice, so Zhang Yin wasn't afraid.

It's just that he always felt that this girl from Independent Continent was a bit wicked this time, and she cooperated too much!

Always make him feel uneasy!

The manager of the club didn't know what he was thinking, so he clapped his hands, and several beautiful waiters filed in from outside, and surrounded Zhang Yin again.

"It's to your benefit to accompany Mr. Zhang well."


A few beautiful waitresses posted it up very discerningly.

Surrounded by beauties, Zhang Yin quickly put aside his worries and began to enjoy the services of beauties with his left and right hugs.

Cavelin Hotel.

Ye Wangchuan received a voice message from Qiao Nian.

"I found Nie Qixing's lair."

After he finished listening, he pressed the voice button and played it again.

The girl's voice is contemptuous, with a playful tone, and it can be heard that the environment she is in is probably not dangerous.

But it still made Ye Wangchuan's face darken, and the storm that was about to rain was accumulated in his eyes, and he almost didn't write "court death" on his face.

"Old Zhong, I'm Ye Fanchuan."

He called Zhong Liuliu first, and restrained himself very politely: "Nian Nian said to look for you before, hasn't she arrived yet?"

Zhong Liuliu happened to be waiting for Qiao Nian to come over, and wondered why Qiao Nian hadn't arrived yet: "She told me that she would come over to get the medicine... I thought she was delayed by something."

"She's not with you?"

Ye Wangchuan said to Zhongliu: "It's okay, she probably encountered something on the road, I'll look for it first, and I'll tell you when I find her."

Zhong Liuliu keenly sensed something unusual.

"Q is missing?"

"No, you don't have to worry."

Ye Wangchuan comforted him for a few words, then hung up the phone, and immediately stood by the window and dialed Ji Lin's phone: "Check the surveillance near the hotel at 02:30 in the afternoon!"


Pharmacy Association.

Zhong Liuliu was obviously not someone who could be fooled by a few simple words, he hurried out of his pharmaceutical laboratory.

Just ran into Robert who was looking for him.

"Teacher? What's the matter with you? Why are you in such a hurry?" Robert saw his anxious expression and hurriedly stopped him to ask.

Zhong Liuliu grabbed his arm: "I happened to be looking for you."

"Eh." Robert couldn't recover from being caught by him for a long time.

Zhong Liuliu said to him with a serious face: "You go to the people of the m royal family, just friend is missing, ask them to help you find it."

"Okay, I'll do it right away." Robert responded hastily.

He was in a hurry to leave before he remembered that he hadn't asked who was missing.

Robert turned back and asked him: "By the way, teacher, who are you talking about friends...? I need to understand the characteristics so that they can find someone."

"you recognize."

Zhong Liuliu's tone was low.

Robert raised his eyes, touched his earlobe, his eyes were full of confusion: "?"

Does he know?
Who is it?

Zhong Liuliu didn't give a damn, and gave a name: "Q."

"You said Q God, she..." Robert gasped, and after realizing it, he was even more anxious than Zhong Liuliu, and was about to trot to do it immediately: "I'll ask someone right away."

Zhong Liuliu stopped him and told him: "I don't know the specific situation yet, try to keep a low profile and don't make too much trouble."

"Okay, I understand." Robert nodded. He was clearly aware of Qiao Nian's behavior, and knew that if there was a big trouble, he might do bad things with good intentions.

He hurriedly left the Pharmacy Association and hurried to find someone.

Zhong Liuliu watched him leave, still worried, asked someone to arrange a car, and rushed to the Cavelin Hotel where Qiao Nian was staying...

(End of this chapter)

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