Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2989 You must have other backgrounds

Chapter 2989 You must have other backgrounds

Qiao Nian ignored him, walked over to pick up her mobile phone, unlocked it, and just in time a message from Guan Yan came in: [Boss, we are here.Shall I lead someone to break in directly?Or do you have other arrangements. 】

Qiao Nian slid open the fingerprint password, found Guan Yan's phone number in the address book and called.

The woman over there answered in seconds.

"Come in directly, there are people inside."

"Uh... what does sun mean?"

Qiao Nian looked back at the people in the box, leaned lazily on the edge of the coffee table, and lowered her eyes: "The people from Yaomen are inside."


Guan Yan paused for a few seconds before digesting the news, the corners of his lips twitched, depressed enough: "Yes, they are robbing business!"

Qiao Nian knew that she was competing with Ye Fanchuan, so she raised her eyes coldly: "You come in first."

Guan Yan: "En."

Qiao Nian hung up the phone, then turned around and walked towards Zhang Yin at a leisurely pace.

Zhang Yin was sweating profusely at the moment and didn't care to wipe it off. Seeing her approaching him, his face changed drastically, and he instinctively took two steps back, fearing that Qiao Nian would do something to him.

But before he could dodge much, he heard the lazy and cold voice of the man at the door reminding him: "There are no eyes on the muzzle, so I advise you not to move around."

Zhang Yin felt a chill down his spine, how dare he make a move!
He froze on the spot, watching Qiao Nian walk in front of him, he was sweating profusely, his legs were already limp, and he had to hold on with one breath.

"Who are you?"

He asked Qiao Nian, mainly because the kicked place on his chest was so painful that he didn't dare to turn his head in Ye Wangchuan's direction.

He gritted his teeth and said, "I don't care who you are! You'd better not run wild here, this is not a place for you to play wild. Otherwise, I will make you eat and walk around!"


Qiao Nian threw the phone in front of him, raised her eyes slightly, and said frivolously at the end of her eyes, "Call Nie Qixing and see if he comes to get you."

Zhang Yin looked at her dumbfounded: "You?"

He just said a word.

Qiao Nian interrupted him impatiently, put his hands in his pockets, with a cool expression: "Isn't he the one behind you?"

Zhang Yin opened his mouth: " know?"

Qiao Nian looked around: "Is this also his territory?"

Zhang Yin's pupils trembled, and he strangled his hands tightly. Unexpectedly, Qiao Nian knew more than he imagined, which made him even more terrified.

Qiao Nian didn't talk nonsense with him, and raised his chin in a concise manner, motioning for him to pick up the phone: "Call Nie Qixing and ask him if he wants territory or fame. If he wants territory, he will come over to get you, if he wants fame..."

The second half of her unfinished sentence immediately appeared in Zhang Yin's mind: Young Master Qi wants to be famous, he is the one who was thrown out and blamed!

Zhang Yin is very aware of the dirty business in this clubhouse, and even more aware of how many rampant evil things he has done in his daily life.

If Nie Qixing hadn't come, he might be here today!
He was short of breath, gritted his teeth and looked at the girl, and wanted to make a final struggle, at least to make himself understand: "Who the hell are you?!"

"Don't you know?" Qiao Nian glanced at her with a good temper: "The First Research Institute of Independent State."

Zhang Yin shook his head crazily, not believing it at all: "Impossible! You are definitely not as simple as the background of Independent Continent and the First Research Institute. They dare not provoke Qi Shao, and Qi Shao has someone to protect him... You should have another identity."

"..." Oh, what a dare not provoke Nie Qixing!

Qiao Nian thought of Ji Qing who passed away early.

(End of this chapter)

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