Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2990 Nie Qixing has received a pass from Miss Nian

Chapter 2990 Nie Qixing received a message from sister Nian

Xiao Suo, who died of Ji Qing, had no one around him, so he died so desolately at the hands of his biological mother.But Nie Qingru held an outsider in his palm for 30 to [-] years, valued it more than blood and family, guarded it like an eyeball, and did not allow anyone to despise him.

What is the season?
In her eyes, Ji Qing is a tool person who can be sacrificed?

She has seen the contents of the USB flash drive.

When Ji Qing left the USB flash drive, she must have found out who wanted her to die, but there was no mention of Nie Qingru in the USB flash drive.

Even to death.

Ji Qing still chooses to protect Nie Qingru's reputation.

She was suddenly worthless for Ji Qing.

Qiao Nian's expression was cold, his brows were filled with depression, and he walked up to him with his hands behind his back and looked at him at the same level: "Then you tell Nie Qixing that Independent Island and the First Research Institute have provoked him! Not only have you provoked him, but you are also planning to take him away. territory……"

Zhang Yin was so startled that his face was snow-white, he opened his mouth several times but hesitated to speak, facing the muzzle of Hei Ququ's gun aimed at him, his back was already drenched in sweat.

He slowly bent down, picked up the phone that Qiao Nian threw in front of him, and called Nie Qixing...

Cavelin Hotel.

Nie Qixing hadn't left the hotel yet, and was waiting for his subordinates to find out the news and come back to tell him.

His men went out several times.

Except that Zhongliu went to a certain room on the 10th floor and never went out again, he didn't find any useful information.

Nie Qixing didn't wait for Qiao Nian's news, but instead waited for Zhang Yin's call.

He didn't plan to answer this strange call at first.

But by coincidence, he touched the call before it was automatically hung up, and the call was connected.

Zhang Yin stammered about the situation in the hall. Nie Qixing looked impatient from the beginning and wanted him to shut up quickly, but later his expression became more and more serious, and he walked to the window in a hurry: "You mean, Joe Is it where you read it?"

"I don't know her name... Just the Miss Qiao we met before, I thought she was just an ordinary person."

"You said you were interested in her again."

"I'm obsessed with ghosts for a while..." That's it, it's self-evident!

The idiot!Nie Qixing was so angry that he didn't recover for a long time. He lowered his cold and dark voice and said, "Do you know that the whole city of M is looking for her!"

Zhang Yin said, "I... I don't know."

Hearing his voice, Nie Qixing wished to kill him, and said coldly: "Mr. Zhong from the Pharmacy Association, Ji's family from Independent Island, and the royal family are all looking for her. The Cavelin Hotel has been searched all over, and the police are also dispatched." Now, the surveillance cameras are being adjusted at intersections everywhere... How do you ask me to save you for the battle you caused today?"

In name, he didn't even touch the Nie family's business. If the shadow and the queen knew that he not only had his own property behind him, but also touched the gray industry.

Will the Queen be disappointed in him?

How could he continue to enjoy the unique status and favor?
When Nie Qixing thought that he might be involved this time, his voice sank, and without giving Zhang Yin a chance to argue, he continued to intimidate him: "Zhang Yin, I remember your son is only eight years old, and he studied outside since he was a child, and his grades are excellent? "

"Qiqi Qishao...?" Zhang Yin stuttered so badly that he could feel his heart-rending fear of Nie Qixing just by hearing his voice.

Nie Qixing said softly: "Don't worry, you've been with me for so long, as long as you're smart enough, I won't do unnecessary things. Of course, don't let me down by saying unnecessary things!"

(End of this chapter)

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