Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2994 He really doesn't cry when he sees the coffin!

Chapter 2994 He really doesn't cry when he sees the coffin!

Seeing the tacit cooperation between the two, and seeing the man who couldn't see the coffin and not shed tears, Moxi suddenly felt that Guan Yan's sarcasm just now was quite right.

Why didn't he just slap it straight up!
Although it is useless, at least it is cool!
While regretting it, Moxi did not forget to sneer at Zhang Yin: "This is the first time I see someone who asked to call the police."

Zhang Yin was also taken aback when he saw Qiao Nian calling the police without further ado. He was in a panic, and when he heard Moxi's sneer at him, he felt even more regretful.

But he was too afraid of the people behind Nie Qixing, so he didn't dare to betray Nie Qixing.

I had to grit my teeth and carry it hard.

"Don't think that the police dare to do anything to me. If you have no evidence, even if you send me to the police station, I will be regarded as a misbehavior at most, and I will be released after a few days of detention."

"You are also unscathed. If you say I kidnapped you, who will believe it? If I haven't detained you for more than 24 hours, it's not considered kidnapping!"

A cold light flashed in Qiao Nian's eyes, and he sneered, "So you know exactly what constitutes kidnapping women and human trafficking?"

This is the second time that Qiao Nian mentioned human trafficking in front of him.

Zhang Yin's eyebrows twitched fiercely, his eyes began to flicker and he didn't dare to look at her. He obviously had a ghostly reaction in his heart, and his mouth was plausible: "Don't talk nonsense, I didn't do what you said! You have no evidence to talk nonsense , When the police come, I can sue you."

Qiao Nian had already guessed seven or eight points from his reaction.

She didn't expect that Nie Qixing was even more daring than she imagined, and would do all kinds of dirty business.Such a person is actually considered by Nie Qingru to surpass Ji Qing, Haoyue is bright, and she is the most proud successor she has cultivated!Still hiding it, clearing obstacles in the way for Nie Qixing...

It's ridiculous!

At this time Ye Wangchuan came over and touched her slightly cold hand, holding her in his big hand and gently rubbing his palms to keep warm: "Don't think too much."

Most of the violence in Qiao Nian's eyes dissipated, and she laughed at herself, "Forget it, I didn't think much about it, but just thinking about it would cause neuralgia in my brain, and my mood was affected by her uncontrollably." .”

Ye Wangchuan pinched her fingertips again, and silently comforted her: "I am here. You also have Mr. Jiang, Jiang Li, and uncles... She is only related to you in name. If you don't care about that relationship, She and you are just strangers."

"I know." Qiao Nian didn't know how to explain to him, and said in a low voice, "I'm not doing it for her, I'm not worth it for others."

These days, she feels worthless for Ji Emotion.

The more she got to know Nie Qixing, the more she felt sad and worthless for Ji Qing. In addition, there was a faint anger pressing on her heart, like a flame planted in her heart, ready to start a prairie fire at any time.

She was afraid that one day she would not be able to control herself to deal with Nie Qixing, and even deal with Nie Qingru.

Ye Wangchuan held her hand tightly again, and only stood side by side with her to express his attitude: "I know, so we have to take it step by step, don't worry, one day the truth will come to light."

Qiao Nian clenched her lips and stopped talking.

Ye Wangchuan looked at Zhang Yin who was still sitting there, and spoke to Zhang Yin for the first time today: "You don't intend to tell me what business you did in Nie Qixing's place, do you?"

Zhang Yin had just heard what they were talking about, but now he saw Ye Wangchuan asking himself: "I said, you have no evidence, you just made up wild guesses about me. I just invited Ms. Qiao came here to get acquainted..."

(End of this chapter)

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