Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2995 Master Wang made a move

Chapter 2995 Master Wang made a move

"Tsk, very good." Ye Fanchuan nodded.

He looked lazy and dignified, and he was the most talkative person in the box.

Zhang introduced him to speak so 'goodly', and was about to make a big request: "You let me go, and I will pretend that today's incident never happened, otherwise there will be a big trouble, and no one will be able to stop it."

"..." Moxi looked at him like a fool.

Shouldn't this be a fool?
Does he know who he is talking to?

Ye Wangchuan was as gentle as ever, and didn't answer his question directly: "Since you don't want to say it, you don't need to say it."

Zhang Yin finally felt something was wrong belatedly, started to get scared, looked at Ye Wangchuan and stammered: "You, what do you mean?"

Ye Wangchuan didn't bother to explain to him: "It means literally."

Just at this moment, Guan Yan came in from the outside.

When Guan Yan came in, he glanced at Zhang Yin, who was sweating profusely, walked inside with his hands shaken, and smiled: "The police will be here soon."

Moxi has been with Ye Wangchuan for so many years, so he is very clear about Wangye's character.

Without Ye Wangchuan's orders, he went straight to Zhang Yin, and without giving Zhang Yin a chance to continue bluffing, he directly took off Zhang Yin's chin.

Under the severe pain, Zhang Yin's face was distorted by the pain, his face turned into a liver color, and he opened his mouth desperately trying to shout.

But Moxi pressed his shoulder, and he not only couldn't scream, he couldn't even move.

Moxi also lightly pressed his shoulder and said to him with a smile: "It's not that you don't want to explain, then you don't need to explain. When you go to the police station, you will know that your Qi Shao can't save you. And What a stupid decision you made not to seize the golden three-hour opportunity!"

He understood Miss Qiao's character, and Zhang Yin didn't have to die miserably, as long as he explained what he had to do and had a good attitude of admitting his mistakes.

As long as he didn't do too many harmful things with Nie Qixing, his family would not be ruined by Nie Qixing.

And with Ms. Qiao's temperament, if Zhang Yin explained clearly, he wouldn't have to worry about being punished by Nie Qixing.

Sister Nian has always said that as long as you cooperate, you can talk about anything.

But this Zhang Yin doesn't have a big brain, no brains at all, he insists on blaming him for doing something wrong, and wants to threaten Ms. Qiao in turn.

He is just trying to die.

And successfully attracted Wang Ye's attention, and the death was successful.

Wang Ye gave him a chance to explain, but he didn't cherish it.

When he arrived at the police station and wanted to confess, there was no chance. Master Wang would never let him leave the police station.

Then how Nie Qixing will treat Zhang Yin at that time, no one can say.

"Obviously you have other choices, you have to let yourself go to the dark." Moxi snorted, ignoring the expression that was deformed by fear, let go of his hand and threw him on the ground, slightly raised his head and called two people. Person: "Take him out and wait for the police to come and take him away with the others."

Ye Wangchuan said to him at this time: "Let Ji Lin arrange some reporters to come over."

Moxi turned his head to look at him, and saw the man standing there like a painting. He was so handsome and had an excellent appearance. His extremely long eyelashes covered his cold pupils, like an impenetrable well, ready to draw people away at any time. Playing between the palms of your hands.

"Isn't Nie Qixing not showing up?"

Ye Wangchuan said indifferently: "Then let him know that hiding is useless."

Moxi turned his mind several times before he understood what he wanted to do. Immediately, his eyes lit up, and he hurried out: "I'll contact the media right away."

(End of this chapter)

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