Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 2999 Nie Qixing really jumped the wall in a hurry

Chapter 2999 Nie Qixing really jumped the wall in a hurry
There are many invisible forces in this world. Among them, the illegal area and the independent continent are well-known, and everyone in their circle knows these two places.

And these two places also have forces of different ranks.

Among them, Yaomen should not be underestimated.

And through the last incident with Yu's family, he knew that Yaomen and Qiao Nian had a very close relationship, and Yaomen's boss seemed to be lovers with Qiao Nian.

In this way, it's not that he doesn't want to help, it's that he really can't help!
John asked people to go out first, while he locked himself in the room and thought about how to tell Nie Qixing about this matter so that he could escape perfectly.

Nie Qixing started looking for relationships and people in various ways in the morning, trying to suppress the heat of the news. It would be best to shut down the discussion on social media.

But things are far more difficult than he imagined.

He looked for countless relationships and many people, but the results he got in the end were all unsatisfactory.

When John replied to him, Nie Qixing had been poured cold water one after another.

So when John told him that the royal family could not reduce the popularity of the news, he was not surprised, but asked him coldly.

"You told me that Qiao Nian is from Ji's family in Independent State?"

He quickly heard the answer from John.

"But she didn't go back to Ji's family, and her relationship with Ji's family is very delicate. It can't be said that she should take care of Ji's family, and it can't be said that she doesn't care about Ji's family."

Nie Qixing was a little surprised, thinking that Qiao Nian was a side branch of Ji's family, that kind of relationship, he pursed his lips: "I see."

He was thinking about whether he should start with the Ji family and put pressure on the Ji family.

John mentioned a person on the phone: "Actually, Young Master Nie can find the Queen. If the Queen comes forward, she can suppress this news."

When Nie Qingru was mentioned, Nie Qixing's eyes changed slightly, and he quickly and coldly reminded him while holding the phone tightly: "I will find a way to solve this matter, don't be smart enough to alarm others!"

John only knew that he had an unusual relationship with the empress, but he didn't know what his identity was. At least Nie Qixing's apparent identity was not impressive.

Seeing that Nie Qixing was so 'uninterested' and put on a high attitude, John didn't want to put his face on someone's cold ass.

Immediately, his attitude faded and he said: "Then please trouble Young Master Nie to find a way to deal with it, and I won't bother you."

Nie Qixing listened to his evasive words, and in a blink of an eye, he heard a rustling sound from the mobile phone, and John had hung up the phone.

Nie Qixing was annoyed for a while, he put his phone away with a sullen face and logged into ins to look at the topic about him.

His topics are hot.

There were only a few thousand private messages in the morning.

He opened the private message in the afternoon and saw that the number exceeded [-]. It can be seen that the popularity of this matter is still rising...

If the heat cannot be suppressed in time, the consequences will be disastrous!

Nie Qixing really didn't know what to do, so he thought about it and chose to call Shadow.

The phone rang seven or eight times before it was picked up.

Nie Qixing heard that he seemed to be outside, and his voice was very noisy.

He never dared to ask about Nie Qingru, so he just pretended that he didn't hear it, and said to the shadow in a gloomy tone: "Uncle Ning, I'm in some trouble..."

In the afternoon, Qiao Nian just came down from upstairs.

She took a shower, her hair was not dried yet, it was casually draped over her shoulders, she walked to the refrigerator with a bare face, got a bottle of Coke and walked back.

"Nie Qixing hasn't moved yet?"

(End of this chapter)

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