Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3000 You have to ask sister Nian first, and then it's the turn of Master Wang

Chapter 3000 You have to ask sister Nian first, and then it's the turn of Master Wang

in the living room.

Everyone is looking at her.

Qiao Nian went straight to the sofa and found a corner and sat down lazily. He opened the can of Coke and drank half of the bottle.

Ji Lin learned his lesson this time.

He saw Qiao Nian asking Nie Qixing: "He has been looking for a lot of connections since the morning to suppress the news, but he has not succeeded. Now there is no movement."

Qiao Nian sat on the sofa, carelessly rubbing the body of the can with her fingertips, and gently shook the coke can in her hand: "Give up so soon?"

Moxi perfectly took over Gu San's job, making everyone a cup of coffee and serving them out.

He first gave a cup to Guan Yan, who had his legs crossed and flirtatious, and then turned his head to give Ji Lin a cup, then kept a cup for himself, and planned to send the last cup to the study.

Ji Lin was not in the mood to drink coffee. He stirred the cup with a spoon, frowned, and said, "I also think he gave up too quickly, which is a bit abnormal."

Before Moxi was about to send the last cup of coffee into the study, he turned around and asked the girl who was comfortably nestled on the sofa: "Hiss~Miss Qiao, do you want some coffee?"

Qiao Nian raised her eyes slightly, but before she could react, she was still holding the can, when she heard him continue to say: "If you want, I'll make another cup for Master Wang, you drink this cup first."

The expression he spoke was so natural, and the speed of his speech was smooth and brisk, which made Ji Lin and Guan Yan look over at the same time.

Guan Yan was still a little surprised, and almost blurted out: Isn't Young Master Ye your boss?
Ji Lin was obviously not surprised by Moxi's behavior, and it was not unusual for a long time, with a calm face, he looked away after a glance.

Qiao Nian came to her senses and raised the Coke in her hand: "I still have it."

Moxi nodded readily and walked to the study: "Then I'll give this to Mr. Wang."

Guan Yan gave Qiao Nian a thumbs up from behind him, and said with his mouth: "Niu B!"

Qiao Nian glanced at her funny expression, directly omitted it, and was about to get up and go upstairs when she received a call.

10 minute later.

She appears downstairs.

A Land Rover Range Rover was parked on the side of the road, and the luxuriant branches of the sycamore tree cast dappled sunlight on the car body.

The people in the car seemed to see her, opened the door and got out of the car.

Qiao Nian came down alone, pulled off his peaked cap and walked over: "What a coincidence, we meet again."

When Shadow saw her again, he no longer looked down upon her as before, straightened his identity, and greeted her very politely: "Miss Qiao."

"Tch." Qiao Nian lazily stood in front of him, not accepting his tricks, raised his eyelids slightly, his eyes were cold, and fixedly stared at him: "Let's not go around in circles. Ming people don't speak dark words, you come to me It's because of Nie Qixing's affairs, right?"

Shadow is seldom pressed by someone, so he pursed his lips slightly: "Yes."

He was also very straightforward: "Miss Qiao can ask for any conditions, such as Ji Lingfeng's whereabouts."

He thought that Qiao Nian would definitely want to know this, and he had already made up his mind before coming here.

Who knew that the girl would not accept the offer at all, and smiled: "I don't need you to worry about this."

Shadow took a deep breath, trying to make himself look calm: "Then what condition does Miss Qiao want to raise?"

"Who is Nie Qixing?" Qiao Nian asked him back.

Shadow's expression immediately became unnatural, his eyes flickered, and he stopped looking at her: "Sorry, no comment!"

"Okay." Qiao Nian nodded, without any intention of forcing him, turned around and walked back.

(End of this chapter)

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