Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3013 Mr. Wang's old green tea

Chapter 3013 Mr. Wang's old green tea
Guan Yan was very efficient in doing things, and immediately found the laptop in Nie Qixing's study, and brought it out for Qiao Nian.

Qiao Nian took the computer and turned it on, then took out a data cable from her body and connected it to the phone, put the notebook on her lap, and tapped the keyboard with her ten fingers.

Nie Qixing had a vague sense of unease: "What are you doing?"

He deletes the call log every time he finishes a call.

So he wasn't particularly panicked before.

But when he saw Qiao Nian put on such a professional posture, Nie Qixing's heart beat wildly, and he wanted to step forward to stop him.

As soon as he took a step, Moxi stretched out a foot to block him.

Nie Qixing was stopped, and when he turned around, he saw Moxi pushed down the glasses on the bridge of his nose and smiled at him and said, "Didn't Professor Nie see that other people are busy? You shouldn't go up and disturb them."

"!" Nie Qixing was so annoyed by his soft-headed attitude, his face was blue, facing the crowd, he had no choice but to suppress his uneasiness, and retreated wisely.

He only hoped that Qiao Nian was just putting on airs, just like the call he received before, just to trick him.


Time passed by minute by minute.

Nie Qixing saw that Qiao Nian was concentrating on the computer, typing on the keyboard from time to time, it didn't look like he was pretending to take the opportunity to trick him into explaining.

Not even anyone else in the room asked him about the old-fashioned telephone.

Everyone tacitly kept quiet and waited for the girl to announce the final result.

10 minutes passed.

Qiao Nian left the keyboard with both hands, and waited for a few seconds. She looked at the recovered data on the computer screen, then turned to ask the expensive man beside her, "Can you pack green tea?"

Ye Wangchuan could feel the gazes falling on him all at once, and put his hand lightly on the armrest: "What kind of green tea?"

Qiao Nian stared at him, as if thinking about how to describe it to him, but her words were quicker than her mind: "Just like you usually are."

After she finished speaking, she realized that she was talking too fast, rubbed the center of her brows, and put it another way: "No, it's the old green tea, his kind. He's the one who keeps his words on the surface and keeps his back, the kind who speaks softly and acts hard, can you do it?"

Moxi had been staring at Nie Qixing the whole time to prevent this guy from being distracted, but he was dumbfounded when Qiao Nian came here suddenly.

Moxi instinctively looked in Ye Fanchuan's direction, fearing that his boss would be stimulated by Miss Qiao.

Who knew that Ye Wangchuan still had that lazy look, as if nothing could get into his heart, calm and elegant, and even repeated to Qiao Nian with a smile at the corner of his mouth: "Just my usual kind?"

"Ahem." Qiao Nian knew he had said the wrong thing, and said angrily, "I didn't mean to target you."

She just wanted to describe a feeling.

Ye Wangchuan snatched the phone from her hand, entered the phone number that Qiao Nian recovered, and said with a smile, "I know."

"I'll just call this number, right?" He read the number on the old-fashioned mobile phone to Qiao.

Qiao Nian glanced to make sure there was no problem: "Yes."

Ye Wangchuan withdrew his hand, then looked at her with a smile, and said calmly: "You didn't mean to target me, I just belong to tea in your heart."

Qiao Nian was embarrassed for a while, and didn't dare to meet his eyes. She looked away in embarrassment, and her eyes wandered, trying to find something to say: "I'll go back and explain to you."


Ye Wangchuan just made a joke with her, not really stingy to even care about a word.

(End of this chapter)

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