Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3014 Sister Nian slips away to get what she wants

Chapter 3014 Sister Nian slips away to get what she wants
Mainly, he didn't expect that after living for more than 20 years, he was actually an old green tea in her eyes.

It's not just green tea, Qiao Nian also added an 'old'.

And without her explaining, he has also been on the Internet, and he has seen fresh vocabulary that young people like to use on the Internet. Green tea is not as simple as she just said.

"I'll just imitate his usual tone, right?" Ye Wangchuan is a very smart person, since he was young, he hardly needed someone to speak clearly, and he could guess what the other person meant.

He had already guessed what Qiao Nian wanted to do when Qiao Nian asked him.


Qiao Nian also recovered from the embarrassment just now, and devoted herself to the business: "Well, ask them where they are hiding, and try not to hurt the victim."

This kind of rescue of vulnerable groups is a matter of life and death.

Ye Wangchuan gestured to her that she received it, suppressed the frivolity in his eyes, and gradually became serious, ready to make a phone call.

Before he made the call, Qiao Nian noticed Nie Qixing who was standing uneasy, and said lightly: "I advise you to keep quiet later, otherwise Nie Qingru can't save you."

Nie Qixing originally wanted to use his brain to think about whether he could make a sound to remind the people over there to be careful of being deceived.

Qiao Nian's words hit his nails.

He didn't dare to act rashly.

In particular, Moxi also noticed him, still with that damned smiling expression: "Professor Nie doesn't want to stuff a stinky sock in his mouth, does he?"

Not far away, Guan Yan was more real than him. He leaned against the wall and fiddled with the silencer gun in his hand, put two bullets into it, and loaded the magazine.

She didn't say a word, and she was very intimidating as soon as she leaned to the side.

As long as Nie Qixing is not a fool, he would not dare to provoke this group of tough people, so he can only watch Ye Wangchuan make phone calls like a fool.

Then Ye Wangchuan pretended that he asked those people to stop the task, asked for the address, and said that he would send someone to take over immediately, so that they only need to hand over the controlled woman to the newcomer...

With Ye Wangchuan's phone call ended.

Qiao Nian also stood up and prepared to leave.

Ye Wangchuan was preparing to leave with her, and called Shang Jilin by the way: "Clean up, and prepare to follow me."

"Yes, Mr. Wang." Ji Lin acted unambiguously, and immediately called a few people to follow up.

Nie Qixing's back was wet and cold, and he knew exactly what they were going to do.

Once the matter is exposed, he can't imagine how big a hornet's nest will be poked...

When the girl bent down to pick up the peaked cap on the sofa, he couldn't help but said, "Qiao Nian, since you came here, you should know who is behind me. Everyone is smart, I won't go around in circles with you, what do you think?" What do you want?"

Qiao Nian paused with her fingertips, picked up the peaked cap on the sofa and put it on as if nothing had happened, ready to leave.

Nie Qixing didn't give up, and said to her in an emphatic tone: "We can negotiate a deal! I'll give you what you want, don't meddle in this matter, let me go? How about it."

Qiao Nian walked to the door and heard him shouting behind her. Finally, as if she heard it, she turned her head and licked her ears foolishly: "I let you go? Then did you let those girls who were kidnapped by you go? They should I beg you, did you let them go?"

"..." Nie Qixing remained silent.

As if hearing the answer she wanted, Qiao Nian sneered at him and smiled, "You can't afford what I want!"

(End of this chapter)

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