Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3032 Who told you that you don't care

Chapter 3032 Who told you that you don't care

Zhang Yang couldn't help sneering, suppressed the disgust in his eyes, and answered him directly without any tact: "If you still want to hang out in the circle, you'd better stay away from him! Also... people in our circle don't follow him. He plays, if you want to play with him, don't say I won't take you."

The man was startled, and hurriedly asked, "Brother Yang, what did Fu Ge do?"

Zhang Yang took the time to edit WeChat and send it, then put his phone away.


the other side.

Ren Hao received the message from Zhang Yang and called Fu Ge without saying a word.

"Hello, Brother Ren."

Fu Ge was in a bad mood, so he cheered up.

As soon as the man came up, he yelled at him: "You can't understand human speech, right? I told you that night that you don't want to hurt me, and you go back and poke a big hole for me. If it weren't for you, you would You are not by my side, you want to smack me in front of me and beat you to death!"

Fu Ge was stunned by his scolding, and the nerves in the back of his head hurt. He was in a bad mood and didn't want to argue with him, so he just said, "What's wrong, Brother Ren? I don't understand what you mean."

"You do not understand?"

Da Beitou didn't bother to circle around with him, so he simply asked him neatly: "I heard that you provoke Wang Ye?"

Fu Ge was silent for a while.

"Hehe." Da Beitou sneered, and he was also angry and sneered at him: "You are capable! As soon as Master Wang came back, you could deliver it to your door. I knew you were so capable, so I wouldn't say anything to you This kind of broom star has something to do with it!"

Fu Ge's eyes were full of exhaustion, and he walked to the side of the road before he parked the car and opened the door with one hand: "The matter is not as serious as you think, and he has no intention of fussing with me."

Fu Ge remembered the way Ye Wangchuan looked at him before he left, it was the look of a clown, like ice water pouring down from the depths of his soul, the blood in his body is still cold now, from head to toe...

But no matter whether it was Qiao Nian or Ye Fanchuan, both of them showed an attitude that they were unwilling to get involved with him, and they were too lazy to care about him.

"I'll know to stay away next time..." Fu Ge bent over to get into the car and sat in the driver's seat, before explaining to Ren Hao seriously.

It's okay if he doesn't explain, the more you talk to Ren Hao with such an attitude that it's not a big deal, the more angry he will be to death!
"Won't Master Wang care about you?"


"Yeah, of course he wouldn't care about a character like you!" Da Beitou said bluntly: "But there are many people with insight in Beijing. People like you, of course, you don't have to do it yourself. , as long as the people around him can mess us up completely! Who do you think you are, do you need others to deal with you in person?"

Fu Ge shivered behind his back: "You mean..."

Ren Hao saw that he only now knew how to be afraid, and snorted: "You know how to be afraid now? It's too late! You wanted to gain a foothold in Beijing before, but now it's all over, and I'm tired of you. I'll send you the screenshot, you Take a good look for yourself!"

After a while, Fu Ge received the screenshots sent by the other party to his mobile phone,

He clicked on anxiously, when he saw the last sentence Zhang Yang sent to Ren Hao: [If you still want to hang out in Beijing, stay away from him. From now on, whoever plays with him will not give me face.If anyone doesn't give me face, then don't mess around in Beijing. 】

His heart sank rapidly, and he fell straight to the bottom of the valley.

At this moment, the phone buzzed and vibrated, bringing him back to reality. Fu Ge looked at the new WeChat message that popped up with a very bad expression, and clicked on it.

(End of this chapter)

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