Madam’s Identities Shocks the Entire City Again

Chapter 3033 Fu Ge has completely gone this time

Chapter 3033 Fu Ge went back completely this time

It was sent to him by Ren Hao, just a simple sentence: "Go back to the city, you can't stay here anymore!"

This sentence hit Fu Ge on the back of his head like a heavy stick, his eyes were blackened, his hands were on the steering wheel, and his nails were almost broken.

Fu Ge frantically wanted the other party to give him another hand, edited the message and sent it.

Who knows that the next second after the message was sent, he saw a red exclamation mark pop up behind the message he sent.

The red exclamation mark is followed by a row of small characters that clearly says - you are not the friend of the other party, please add it before chatting.

Fu Ge's face turned pale immediately, and he fell into the driver's seat in a daze for a long time.

It's over, it's over.

Qiao Nian went to the nursing home to see old man Jiang, and then played a game of chess with the old man who was more energetic, and calculated that he narrowly beat herself.

Qiao Nian handed him the small pills she had brought back from the Pharmacy Association, and stayed with Mr. Jiang until a tired look appeared on his face before getting up and saying that he would come to see him tomorrow.

Seeing that she was coming tomorrow, Mr. Jiang no longer held up his spirit to keep her with him, and asked the nurse to send the group away.

It was almost evening when Qiao Nian returned to the apartment where she lived. As soon as Qin Si entered the door, she clamored to go out to eat hot pot at night.

She twisted her bag and went upstairs: "You go, I still have something to do."

"Ah?" Qin Si looked at her back upstairs, impatiently: "Sister Qiao, are you going with us?"

Qiao couldn't think of it, what's the point of the old men going there.

He didn't want to stare at Zhang Yang and the others.

While going upstairs, Qiao Nian found time to return to him: "I'm not going, I want to write an arrangement."

Seeing her disappear around the corner of the second floor, Qin Si looked away with concern, and walked back to the sofa in the living room.

While looking at Ye Wangchuan, Zhang Yang and the others, he waved his hands listlessly: "Sister Qiao won't go, and neither will I."

Zhang Yang was quite disappointed: "What arrangement is Miss Qiao going to write?"

"How would I know." Qin Si threw himself on the sofa, slumped there like a rag, and suddenly lost energy.

Ye Wangchuan poured himself a cup of tea, knowing more about Qiao Nian than they did, he took a sip of the teacup and said, "The music department of Tsinghua University is currently busy with the International Esto Arrangement Competition, and there should be suitable candidates for the western music group." , but the traditional music group wants to choose a suitable person, I'm afraid it's too much."

It has to be said that he was not at the scene but guessed the situation at that time with his mind, basically the same.

Hearing what he said, Qin Si immediately understood: "Liang Conglin asked sister Nian for help? Tsk, he can use his brain."

Ye Wangchuan glanced at him, took a sip of tea slowly, and then reminded him in a low voice: "Principal Liang."

Qin Si looked over in confusion.

When he touched the casual expression on the man's face, a flash of lightning flashed in his mind, and he immediately understood what he meant.

Sister Qiao respected her elders very much, and Liang Conglin's low status in the circle could not stand Qiao Nian's approval.

Master Wang's girlfriends all respectfully call Liang Conglin the principal, so this double-standard dog of Master Huang directly downgrades them, which is to ask them to treat Liang Conglin as an elder!
Qin Si wanted to understand this, and was full of words.

His lips twitched, and because of someone's prestige, he touched his nose and said, "Principal Liang, let's go."

Zhang Yang quietly watched the two of them bickering, and tactfully did not interrupt.

(End of this chapter)

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